Chapter Twenty One | Sealed with a Kiss

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I still don't know if this party is a good idea. It seems like exactly the kind of thing that is only sure to end in disaster. Obviously, it's too late to change my mind now. I'm already dressed and Luke's downstairs ready to drive me to Davina Paisley's house- if I bail on him now he'd never forgive me.

Tugging down the hem of my skirt, I cautiously peer into the mirror and take a deep breath. Choosing something to wear with Imogen's help was a bit more difficult but, still, I think I actually like what I'm wearing. For once I'm actually letting my legs out with a short floral skirt, and while it stupidly feels alien wearing it- I quite like it paired with a simple black shirt.

Grabbing my bag from my desk I leave my room, ready to head down the stairs, before promptly bumping into something small and fluffy. At first I think it's a pet I didn't realise we had but, looking down, I see my little sister peering up at me. She's bundled herself up in a bright pink bathroom towel, for what I have no idea but I can guess it's probably for one of her games.

"Hey, Evie, what are you doing?" I ask curiously, noticing her blonde hair is soaking. She doesn't answer but simply leans her head back at me and smiles, proudly showcasing the large gap in her front row of teeth. Her first milk tooth fell out yesterday and ever since she's been grinning whenever she can and shoving the pound coin the 'tooth fairy' had left her in everybody's face.

"Roger needed a bath," she says, pulling out an absolutely sopping stuffed bear from underneath her towel.

"What?" I cry, looking wildly towards the bathroom door which was hanging open. I feel a little queasy, thinking of how she could have hurt herself in there alone, but the feeling of worry is stampeded on by shock as I finally acknowledge the sound of rushing water. "Evie!"

Leaving my giggling sister behind in the landing, I rush to the bathroom and the state of it does not calm me. Luckily, the water in the bathroom hasn't spilled over since she hadn't actually put the plug in; unfortunately it's my stuff that's on the bottom of the shower rack that's had a hard time of it. The whole room smells of cranberry as I see the contents of my shampoo have been squeezed all over the bath, accompanied with the a whole bottle's worth of shower gel.

Bloody hell. I curse as I walk towards the taps and turn them off. This is just great, honestly- finding out the bathroom's in a state just before I'm meant to head out. Yep, this is just fantastic.

"Evie, why are you all wet?" I hear Granddad's voice drift from the landing. Evie responds with the same information of washing Roger bear. A beat later and he's in the bathroom, inspecting it with an expression of relief.

"I thought she'd flooded it," he says, giving a smile. His voice sounds a little wearier, as it has been for the past while. It's always had that familiar croak in it but now there's a tired rumble to it.

I point to the inside of the bath, smiling half-heartedly. "Well, she managed to make a bit of a mess anyway." Granddad looks in and chuckles.

"Just your stuff, eh?" he asks. His stuff is safe and out the way from Evie's chubby fingers a few shelves up from mine, not to mention all if it isn't even there. He's started packing to go home again, after months of staying here. I frown, not liking the emptier look of his shelf.

I don't want him to leave, none of us do but he's been insisting on it- saying he's stayed for far too long. Mum and Dad have been completely adamant that he stay but Granddad always has the last say. I haven't failed to notice my parents' frequent exchange of worried glances that they seem to be doing lately.  It's all making my stomach knot in worry.

"Ruby, you go on downstairs, your friend's asking for you," Granddad says before leaning over and picking up a sponge. "I'll sort this out.

I open my mouth immediately to protest. "Gran-"

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