Epilogue | Sealed With a Kiss

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authors note: i can't believe i am actually, finally posting the last part of swak. after such a long time writing this, i'd like to thank everyone who has read this story from the bottom of my heart. thank you for sticking by me, fan girling over ruvi and being a part of my start here on wattpad. lots of love, lucid

"When I find someone, please remind me to never be like that." Luke scrunches his nose in clear disgust, making the rest of us grin in amusement. "Also remind me why PDA isn't outlawed?"

"Pretty sure you mean if instead of when," Oliver quips, slapping a hand against his friend's back, laughing. "Or even better- never!"

"Can you ever shut up?" Luke glowers at Oliver, brushing away the hair that's fallen into his eyes from the shove. He turns back to carry on scowling at Imogen and Max. "Can't you two take a page out of their book?" He points towards Levi and I, sitting together against a large tree trunk a few feet away.

"They're still sickening but at least I haven't memorised what their tongues look like."

Imogen throws a stick at Luke who doesn't manage to duck in time. "Oh please," she says, rolling her eyes. "When you do find someone you'll be qualifying for Olympic-level tonsil tennis." She ignores Luke's further protests and leans in to kiss the life out of Max. Unlike Luke, Max clearly has nothing to complain about.

Levi and I are laughing as we watch Luke complain. We're all sitting in the Orchard, with Levi sitting by me as Oliver and Luke are messing around in front of us. We've been coming here a lot when we're all free, or there isn't anything Imogen might have planned for us.

Each time I'm here I feel like I can truly breathe, and just sit back and smile. Everything is as peaceful as the blue sky stretching over me and I know I'm going to miss this place when school starts again.

Granddad was released from hospital a month ago, a few days after he was found and brought there. We've all been here, beside him, helping him to get better. It hasn't always been an easy journey, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been great in a lot of parts either. Along with therapy, Granddad's moved in. He's been spending time with my parents, with Evie, and even getting to know my friends.

Mum sometimes worries Luke and Oliver will give him a heart attack while Imogen always day dreams endlessly after hearing stories about my grandparents. Levi has been helping Granddad with his art, with books and writing. I love watching them together, admiring artists and laughing at ridiculous things.

Luke, Oliver and Imogen all carry on bickering and Levi inches towards me a little, ever so slightly. It goes unnoticed by everyone and I feel my breath catch. Levi's faint smile widens a fraction at my reaction and he dares to venture a little further. His arm brushes mine, bare skin against bare skin in what could just be an innocent brush. But the heat that spills in my stomach wants him to draw closer... and I'm leaning in when-

"I wonder though," Oliver says loudly, tripping me out of my thoughts. My face is hot and my pulse is racing. Levi straightens, letting out the breath he'd been holding. Energy hums between us, impatient and growing.

Oliver's standing up, his orange hair is lit by and looks like actual fire against the setting sun. "Just what do Ruby and Levi get up to behind closed doors? They've not given us many previews after all."

"Ugh, Oliver, that is disgusting!" This time I throw a book at him and, annoyingly, he manages to dodge out the way.

"I'm sure your right hand can tell us all about the 'previews' you've already got on your laptop, mate," Levi replies in a lazy, amused voice. Oliver gasps offendedly as Luke laughs hard, doubling over, before being shoved again.

Despite his gross comments and childish nature, Oliver has been a warm and entertaining comfort to me. I remember how his green eyes were so serious as he held me tight, that day after first visiting the hospital. His jokes are sometimes the perfect antidote to everything.

But right now, I can't carry on sitting here with Levi without feeling like I'm being perved on. That and the fact my heart is still thudding fast, demanding that Levi and I are alone.

I push myself off the grass and Levi stands up beside me. "We're going for a walk," I say to everyone else before throwing a look at Oliver who chuckles, his eyes alight with mischief.

"A walk? Is that what kids call it these days?" he asks as Levi wraps a warm arm around my shoulders and we start walking. "Make sure you don't pull any muscles!"

Levi laughs, shaking his head. His eyes glint with amusement as he raises an eyebrow at me. I glower at them both, feeling my cheeks heat. Luke gets up from the grass and grins at my disapproval, shaking his head.

"Or, if you're so amused, I can go alone..." I begin heading off down the sloping hill by myself.

Levi is already jogging after me, laughing, and soon he has his arm around me once more and we're walking away to the distant sound of Oliver wishing us a happy trip.

In this part of the Orchard, the trees become few and far between, letting warm sunlight filter through and bask everything in a golden glow. I rest against a large oak tree, sighing happily as I tip my head up to look at Levi. He dips his head, dropping a soft kiss against my forehead.

Then he pulls me nearer. His lips are soft and I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the way his hair feels in my fingers. We kiss until we're breathless and my cheeks are aflame. We kiss until my heart's thudding hard and Levi has to catch his breath, whispering my name in my ear. We kiss until the sun dips lower and lower in the sky, filling the Orchard with pink light as it slowly disappears.

Falling in love is like discovering a dream. You're never sure how you get there, but finding this person makes the whole world feel new and different to itself.

"Look at how red the sky is," Levi says quietly, resting his head on mine as we both look out towards the meadow to catch our breath. "Like it's just for you." I smile and shake my head at the romantic comment until Levi hums in thought and says, "Or maybe it's something devilish. Or devilish and for you, now that would make sense."

I hit him again. He still hasn't lost his expert ability to annoy me.

"If anyone's acquainted with the dark side, it's you, Levi Parker." I mutter, lifting my head off his chest to glower at him. 

Levi laughs and drops a kiss against my cheek. "Bug, we all know under that adorable, innocent act there's someone just the opposite of that," he says, his voice amused and full of suggestion. Then after a pause, "Especially me."

My eyes grow wide and I gasp speechlessly, looking around for anyone listening, namely Oliver in some nearby tree. My cheeks are blushing furiously and I'm still tongue tied. Levi laughs at seeing how flustered I am and I glare at him, fighting off a smile. "I hate you, you know."

Levi nods, pulling me back towards him again as he smiles warmly down at me. His brown eyes have never more looked like honey in this sunset sunlight and I feel a warm rush of affection. His smile tilts higher. "I love you too, Bug."

Then he leans down and kisses me, making me completely forget or even care about anyone else. In between kisses, I tell him that I love him too. Again and again and again.

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