Chapter Fifteen | Sealed with a Kiss

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Granddad's become obsessed with writing his story. It's all he seems to do when he doesn't spend time with us, I still don't know what it's actually about- every time he starts talking about the plot he gets excited and dashes off to write more.

"I'm halfway there," he says, sipping from his mug as he takes break from typing away at his laptop. Unusually bright March sunshine streams in through the kitchen window as I lean against the kitchen counter, inspecting the plant that Aunt Madge gave to Granddad. It's almost dead, it's leaves have wilted, its stem has bent- even Evie's lost love for the thing.

"Great," I say, "but you better not let Aunt Madge see the state you got her gift in."

Granddad waves his hand, not seeming to care about the plant. "I need more apple juice," he says, getting up to go to the fridge He has this idea that apple juice is his writing fuel, that it's the stuff that spurs his creativity. He opens the fridge before giving a rumbling groan.

"I've almost ran out," Granddad says, taking out the last carton and shaking it to hear how much is left.

"I can get some more," I say, getting up off the counter.

"Oh, you don't need to-"

"It's fine, I want to go out and feel some of the sun anyway." I shrug, grinning. Granddad shuts the fridge door.

"You're a saint, love," he says, beaming at me.

"I know," I joke before walking out to grab my wallet and keys.

Outside it's wondrously warm, the walk to the shops ten minutes away is much more enjoyable than the ones I've had during the past few months. Outside, there are children playing on the streets and people walking their dogs- all appreciating the sun.

The nearest place to find groceries is a small supermarket. Walking in, the cold air of the air conditioner washes over me. I walk over to the juice aisle, finding the specific brand of apple juice Granddad particularly favours. Beside me I see a small, blonde woman inspecting some fruit smoothies.

Upon a second glance, I recognise her as Levi's mother, Heather.

"Hi," I say, my voice full of surprise at seeing her here. Heather jumps; dropping the blueberry and strawberry drink she's holding and turning to look at me.

"Oh, Ruby," she says, she sighs, calming herself before smiling at me. I don't fail to notice how tense she looks.

"I never see you here," I say, unable to remember any other time I've seen her here.

Heather simply smiles in response and I wait for her to say something. She doesn't, instead her fingers creep up towards the collar of her shirt to adjust it slightly. The movement draws my attention to her neck. I don't notice anything apart from how pale her skin is. It's a stark white that makes her appear as ill.

"I've got to go," Heather suddenly says.

"Oh," I say, not expecting the meeting to be cut so short. I'm about to say something more but she suddenly pivots on her heel before hurrying out, looking like she couldn't get out any quicker. As she passes me, her bag knocks against my elbow and something falls out. I look toward the supermarket floor and see it's a purse, a neon-purple one.

I quickly pick it up, hoping to catch her in time to return it. I walk outside and look around the car park and surrounding pavement. Heather's nowhere to be seen. Confusion clouds my mind as I think about why she had to leave so quickly, it was as though she was running away from something.

I think about what to do. It's a Friday afternoon and I won't be seeing Levi until Monday. That's almost three days Heather won't have her purse for, and that's assuming I'll even see Levi. Ever since the Valentine's day fiasco, I've been avoiding and ignoring him.

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