Day 4

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So we're on Day 4 now! Hehe.....this is know what? Let's just get on with it!😂😂

Question~ What is your favorite Taylor Swift music video?

Answer~ Ahhh yes. I have been waiting for someone to ask me this question for a loooooooong time! Ok so my MOST FAVORITE music video (as you can probably guess by the banner) would have to be You Belong with Me! I mean, even if you took away the lyrics, you could still look at the video and be able to tell what's going on. I love how it just tells a story! Some people think it's a little cliché since it has the whole nerd vs popular girl plot, but I think that just makes it even better! I think that the video is just cliché in the perfect amount!

- Bye bye to all of you!!!😘😘

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