Stupid Media

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*^^Fetus Tay :3*

Hey guys! So yes, I'm back from my break! I missed you all so much! (Even though I was only gone for a few days xD) I realized that I could never really take a long break from Wattpad :)

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Anyways, moving on to the REAL topic of this chapter.

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Dear Media,

Taylor Alison Swift did not get a boob job.

Sincerely, Swifties

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Can you believe this? Well, actually I can since the media seems to just looooove victimizing Taylor for everything and anything.

So basically, the media is saying that Taylor got a boob job done. Like what?! This is literally beyond stupid.

Yes; Believe it or not, Taylor has boobs. Now, if all of you 9 year old perverts out there could stop making such a big deal out of it, that'd be great.

*Rolls eyes*

Oh media. Stupid, stupid media. When will you ever realize how stupid you truly are?

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Also, congratulations to TayStyle18 for being the new head of the Swiftie Squad!!!! :))

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Welp, that's it for today's chapter! (Sorry it was kinda short) I might do a double update depends xD

Byeee!! :)

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