Why I Love Taylor

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Hey guys!

So last night, I was thinking.... (That's never good xD)

I was thinking about some ideas for a chapter (even though I have like 10 drafts saved already xD) and this just came into my mind. I was like "This is a Swiftie Book....duh. I always rant about Taylor, I always say that I love her.....but I've never really explained why I love her so much."

So that's what I'm going to be doing today! I'm going to be explaining to you guys exactly why I love Taylor Alison Swift so much.

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I live in America. The name "Taylor Swift" has been around as long as I can remember. It wasn't until 2010 when I finally heard You Belong With Me that I found out exactly why her name was around so much. That's when I began to like her. Flash forward to middle school. That's when things began to change. I went to a new school, I fell apart with most of my old friends, and things were just.....so different. Then I met a girl named Anna. Now, as much as I don't like to admit it, I had begun to slowly forget about Taylor. Since 2010, she was slowly escaping my mind. I don't know how or why. I hadn't even realized it was happening. But it just was. Of course, I still knew who she was. The name Taylor Swift is not an unpopular one. But I just....forgot about her. That's the thing that I regret most in my life. How could I ever let go of this wonderful woman? I don't know either. Anyways, where was I? Oh yes. So I had started middle school and everything had changed (hehe) and I didn't exactly like that. But then I met Anna. Anna was the person who slapped some sense back into me (not literally) And she did it without even realizing. She was (still is) a huuuge Swiftie. She always talked about Taylor, she was always singing Taylor's songs. That was the moment I knew (I had to xD) That was when I realized that I had slowly let go of Taylor Swift. All of the memories I had, (watching her music videos on YouTube, singing along when her songs came on, reading every article about her) they all came flooding back. I was baffled. Why was I ever stupid enough to just stop obsessing over this woman? Well, I was still young. I wasn't really a fangirl yet. So that's probably why. But I knew that I couldn't ever let that happen again. So whenever Anna talked about Taylor, I joined her. Whenever Anna sang Taylor's songs, I did too. Anna and I slowly became known as "The Swifties" We called ourselves "The Swiftie Twins" One day, we even wrote Taylor lyrics all over our arms! So thanks to Anna, I was realizing the power of Taylor, one step at a time. Alright, so I've explained all of that. But I still haven't fully told you guys why I love Taylor, have I? Well, the truth is going to be long. So you might want to make yourself comfortable. Taylor is fearless. She has power. She has some kind of vibe that makes me fearless too. Seriously. Whenever I'm like "I'll never get the hang of algebra" or "Why should I even bother joining this art contest", you know what I tell myself? "Be fearless" And it helps. Taylor gives me some sort of motivation that I don't seem to get from anything else. It's her power, her energy, her attitude towards things. Those are the reasons why I love her so much. And I am proud to say that I will always be a Swiftie. Forever and Always. Taylor is just amazing. She's not perfect but she is amazing. She's taught me to take risks, that boys will be boys, and that there will always be people trying to push you down. I've gotten some unbelievable power from her and it's just amazing. So yeah. I don't know what my stupid younger self was thinking back in 2010. I should have never let go of Taylor. That was a huge mistake. But everyone makes mistakes. And besides, Taylor came back into my life in the time when I needed her most. And I will forever be grateful for that.

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*stop cheesy music*

That was a long chapter...my fingers hurt now xD

-Bye guys! *Be Fearless!*

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