I'm Thankful For...

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These pictures from last night!!

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^^ Me whenever Taylor does anything xD

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^^ Me whenever Taylor does anything xD

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^^ HER

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^^ Okay, is it just me or does she look a lot like Andrea in this picture???

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^^ Okay, is it just me or does she look a lot like Andrea in this picture???

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And those are some of my favorites!

It's weird, just yesterday, I was thinking "I want new pictures/candids of Taylor. Is she still alive? Does she look the same?? I must know!!!" And then BAM new pictures! xD

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^^ !!!! She's driving!! Thank you, Lily Donaldson for this! (It was posted on her Snapchat)

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^^ !!!! She's driving!! Thank you, Lily Donaldson for this! (It was posted on her Snapchat)

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And last (but not least):

And last (but not least):

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^^ Taylor's comment xD

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Oh, and before I forget: (This isn't from last night but I saw it on Tumblr and thought it was funny)

Oh, and before I forget: (This isn't from last night but I saw it on Tumblr and thought it was funny)

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^^ It's official: Taylor Nation has run out of ideas for merch. I mean, I'm sorry, but a laundry bag?? xD

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Well, that's about it! Have a good Thanksgiving everyone! :)

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