Unreleased Song Quiz

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Hey guys!

So today's chapter is going to be a quiz!!

*cheering in the distance*


This isn't going to be just any quiz.

This is going to be a quiz about Taylor's unreleased songs.

Yep. You heard me right.

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Here's how it's going to work: There's going to be a lyric from one of Taylor's unreleased songs. You guys will have to comment which song it's from.

And.....there's a prize.

The first two people who guess 3 out of 5 songs correctly will get.....

An edit!

Made by me!

Yeah, yeah. I know it's not much but whatever.

Oh and I got the idea for the prize from spyralle. She also did a quiz in her book and her edits are gorgeous! So if you aren't following her or reading her book, go and do that right now!

Also, I know that it's going to be a bit hard to get all of these right. That's why you only need to get 3 out of 5 right to win.

Onto the quiz!

*No cheating or I will hunt you down and make you suffer*

Good luck!

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1. "Was there some reason? Another way up?"

a) Nashville
b) Your Face
c) Didn't They

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2. "I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine."

a) I'd Lie
b) What to Wear
c) Dark Blue Tennessee

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3. "I ain't jealous of you. Just thought you should know."

a) Permanent Marker
b) American Boy
c) Being With My Baby

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4. "Mama named her Lucky on a starlit night"

a) Am I Ready For Love
b) Lucky You
c) Mandolin

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5. "Tell myself I must be crazy, thinking about him"

a) Come Alive
b) Gracie
c) All Night Diner

• • •

And that's it! I hope I didn't make this too hard xD I'm sorry if I did!

• • •

-Byee :)

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