Finally Clean + 6K Reads!!

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Hey guys!!

Okay so two things:

1) This is the 100th chapter!!

2) This book has just reached 6k reads!!

I literally realized that like two seconds ago. I was planning on making this a special chapter (because it's the 100th one) and now I have two reasons to celebrate!

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So first of all, thank you so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much for getting this book to 6k reads. You have no idea how happy this makes me. I'm going back to school tomorrow, I'm excited to see my friends again, this is the 100th chapter, and now I've just found out that this book has been viewed six thousand times! I'm literally in the best mood ever. So thank you all so much for that :)

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Second of all, I know what you're thinking:

"Why is this chapter called "Finally Clean"?

Well, that's my surprise for you guys! I wrote a poem about a week ago about Taylor. I decided to share the poem with you guys, since this is the 100th chapter + #SwiftieLife has reached 6k reads.

Yes, yes. A poem. I know it may not seem like the most exciting surprise, but I'm really excited to share it with you guys!

I've always loved writing and I like to think (even though it's probably not true) that I'm good at it. I like poetry, but I've only ever written poems for school (and that was always because I had to) I've never really written a poem for my own personal pleasure. So I just got a great idea for a poem one day and I decided to sit down with a pencil and notebook on my lap, and write it. It took me about 30 minutes to write (which may explain why it's so bad) but I hope you guys enjoy!

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So, like I said before, this poem is called "Finally Clean". It's about Taylor and her experiences with love throughout her career. I tried to kind of summarize what each of her albums are about. And I also used songs and lyrics from each album. Oh and in some parts of the poem, I've put "* *" around some sentences. That's because those sentences were supposed to be on the same line but Wattpad didn't let me do that.

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       Finally Clean // A TS Story

In 2006, there was a girl
Who was a mess of a dreamer
She wanted love; she was sure of it
But nobody seemed to need her...

In 2008, there was a girl
Who's wish finally came true
He found her; she felt like a princess
But her fairytale ended too soon...

In 2010, there was a girl
Who's smile could make sparks fly
*But someone came along; broke her heart and he was gone*
Her smile faded; love was a lie...

In 2012, there was a girl
Who started to see the light
*They warned her; she soon found out that*
*Love is a ruthless game, unless you play it good and right...*

In 2014, there was a girl
Who, for the first time, felt free
*They hunted her down; she escaped the crowds*
And now, she's finally clean.

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So yeah!

That was my totally crappy poem!


It sucks.

Moving on

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Tomorrow's my first day of school! By the time some of you are reading this, I'll already be at school. So I just want to apologize in advance if I become less active on Wattpad. I hope you all understand that I'm going to be busy with homework and projects and just school in general. However, I do promise that I'll definitely try to update as often as I can. I mean, I probably won't have time to update every day, but I'll post once a week for sure!

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So that's all for today's chapter! I love you all, thank you so much for 6k reads, yay for the 100th chapter, reaching 6k made my day so much better, I'm also really close to 2k comments so thanks for that too, and I just love you all!

-Byee <13

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