A Day In The Life Of A Swiftie

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*I am so proud of myself for creating that banner :) It's my 5 favorite people (starts crafting)*

*Basically every Swiftie's daily routine*

1. Wake up to Taylor Swift alarm.

2. Get ready for school while listening to Taylor Swift at full volume

3. Go to school while listening to Taylor Swift.

4. Think/talk about Taylor Swift at school.

5. Come home from school while listening to Taylor Swift.

6. Do homework while listening to Taylor Swift.

7. Stalk Taylor Swift on the internet for a while.

8. Get ready for bed while thinking about Taylor Swift.

9. Fall asleep listening to Taylor Swift.

10. Wake up and repeat.

^^That's literally MY PERFECT DAY!!

-Bye to all you flamin' marshmellows!

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