Challenges Galore!!

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Ayee hey peeps! I'm bored xD But the lovely @MayTheSwiftBeWithYou has tagged me ONCE AGAIN to do more challenges! (I swear, this book is turning into a challenges book xD) But it okay, because I don't mind doing them! (And they give me something to post when I have writer's block xD) Oh, and I had to delete the chapter before this because me and @MayTheSwiftBeWithYou did the challenge wrong xD So I'll be doing it again (the right way) in this chapter. Soooo.....let's go!

Challenge #1-

1. Who (besides Taylor) is your favorite singer? Most of you guys probably already know this but TROYE SIVAN!! .....Do I even need to explain?

2. What is the first book on Wattpad that you have ever read? Believe it or not, my first Wattpad book was a Taylor Swift fanfiction called Never Grow Up (I totally recommend it!)

3. Who is your favorite artist and why? Well my favorite artist is obviously Taylor Swift! And she's my favorite because her songs are so relatable and her voice sounds like a bunch of unicorns have a dance party while eating Doritos (what even...xD)

4. Why did you decide to read my book in the first place? Well, I decided to read Wildest Dreamers (which is an awesome book that you guys should totally go read!) because I recently discovered Swiftie Books and Wildest Dreamers was one that I discovered!

5. Why did you decide to follow me? I loved your book and you seemed like a funny and nice person.

6. WHY E YOU SO NICE?! Umm...I don't really think I'm that nice. My friends say that I act like their mother so it's probably the inner mother in me xD

7. Who is your favorite fictional character? Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. Yes.....just yes.

8. What place on Earth do you want to visit? I would love to visit London. Or any place in England really!

9. What's your favorite (except for Taylor songs) song? It changes all the time, but right now it's The Fault In Our Stars by Troye Sivan.

10. Cats or dogs? CATS!! >•< (The cat whiskers come from within)

11. Favorite animal? Unicorns! (They're real ok? Totally real. And if you don't think that, fight me xD) OOH AND ALSO CATS!!

12. What's the best thing that's ever been yours? My phone. If I had never gotten my phone, I wouldn't have gotten Wattpad or Pinterest or Wishbone. And I wouldn't have been able to meet so many new people!

13. Favorite flower? Roses!!

(I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm too lazy....and I also don't know who to tag xD I'm sorry!)

Challenge #2-

1. Harry Potter or Twilight? What kind of a muggle would answer Twilight?! Harry Potter for sure!!

2. Long hair or short hair? I love both!

3. Dragonflies or ladybugs? Ladybugs!

4. Ed Sheeren or Shawn Mendes? ED OF COURSE

5. Black cat or white cat? Who cares? I LOVE ALL CATS!! xD

6. Water or fire? Water.

7. Highway to hell or staircase to heaven? I probably sound really stupid right now, but what does this even mean?!

I tag.....

@MayTheSwiftBeWithYou (I had to xD)



*The next part is going to be in bold because it's "very important"*

Ok, so I'm sorry that I've kinda been updating less frequently lately. I've tried my best to stick to the schedule but it's summer and I'm just a really lazy potato xD

-Bye!! ♡♡♡♡


I may or may not be writing a new book...........

and it may or may not be a phanfiction.........

and I may or may not publish it soon...... ;)


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