Chapter 1: "Fearful Visions to a Future of Black"

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Oh lord.. five more minutes.. please.



Rei's eyes opened abruptly, as she sat up, examining her surroundings. She wasn't in her home bed anymore, instead, she was sitting on a crumbling tower within Asunaro City. She stared down, to the west of her was the Asunaro Dome, and to the right of her was a hulking creature, black and purple, flashing around, causing destruction.

"W-Where am I!?" Rei cried out, hurriedly rushing to the edge of the building, staring down at the creature.

"You're on top of the Chi Tower, staring down at the birth of Aurora." an unfamiliar voice called out to her from behind.

"Huh?" Rei turned around, and saw a girl there, in a long, beautiful white gown, the longest silver hair, and green eyes.

"You are in the brink of destruction. Look around you, Rei. See the misfortune that is being born. Burn this image into your mind." The woman said, brushing some silver hair over her shoulder.

"Wait.. No.. Who are you?" Rei asked, holding her chest as the ground began to quake.

"My name is of no importance. What IS important is that you pay close attention to what is about to happen." The woman then pointed up, "Look there."

Rei frantically looked up, and saw a girl in blue, hovering in the air. Wait?! Is that-- No way.. it can't be.

"There is no point thinking to yourself. In a vision, your thoughts are spoken aloud." The woman laughed, before nodding her head. "That is your friend, Ring Huo."

"Why is Ring floating?! Why is she-- Wait.." Rei then inched closer to the edge of the building, "Ring!" She shouted loudly.

The blue haired woman turned her head slightly, before gasping, she shouted something inaudible from the amount of noise surrounding Rei and the white haired girl. Suddenly, a loud, cackling sound is heard, as multiple buildings are hoisted off of their foundation, and hurled around like ragdolls. Debris soon filled the air, as Rei is forced to duck down.

"Why are you showing me this!?" Rei cried out, holding her head.

"Because." The woman pulled out a cup of tea, sipping on it elegantly, "That creature is you, my dear."

"You're lying!" Rei shouted, "I am a human being! How can-- No-- There's no way I am that beast that's destroying the city!"

"Believe what you want," She said, before time stopped. The world turned black and white.


Rei slowly opened her eyes, before immediately sitting up. She was back in her bedroom, lying on her comfortable pink bed. It was six thirty on a Monday morning, why was she awake so early? She decided that she was up for the day, and stood up, walking over to her bedroom door, and rushing herself downstairs. She began to mix together the badder for pancakes, when her roommate walked around the corner, staring at her.

"Ugh.. What are you doing awake so early?" She groaned, before turning off the lights in the house, "These lights aren't to be turned on until after at least eight in the morning. Think of me as a vampire that is burnt alive by fluorescent light.. just I don't sparkle." She grumbled, walking back towards the living room.

Rei sighed, turning back on the kitchen light, "Asa, can you not be such a prude in the morning?" She smiled, pouring some of the pancake mix onto a hot skillet, "I'm fixing breakfast already.. and it wasn't.. my choice to be up this early."

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