Chapter 14: "The Wires Holding Me Together"

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Rei slowly awoke.. Yesterday was really tiring, but she knew she had to get up and go to school. Hurrying, she put on her uniform, but right as she finished getting ready to start the day, Asa walked in.

"School is canceled today for a teachers' institution."

Rei groaned loudly, unbuttoning her shirt and throwing it on the floor. She put on her regular everyday wear, a dark blouse and blue jeans. She walked out into the kitchen. "So. What is the plan then? Me and Mami were going to meet up after school today to go witch hunting."

"She said that you need to meet her at her apartment at around three in the afternoon. So basically as if you were meeting with her after school." Asa said, sitting in her recliner. "Meanwhile, I am going to take a day to myself." She grinned.

"Well.. I still have a lot of time.. What am I suppose to do?" Rei said, crossing her arms.

"Well.. I mean.. You could go to the mall or something." Asa said, tiredly.

"You know what? I will!" Rei grinned, throwing on her boots and starting out the front door. "Thanks, Asa!"

And with that, Rei began her day. It was a fresh, crisp summer morning, with a not-to-hot but also not-to-cold temperature. Rei had started her walk to the mall. Living in Southward Square, the mall was just about a block down the road.


Rei turned her head, slightly. "Huh?"


No-one was there. She looked around for a few more minutes, before resuming her walk again.

"Help me, Rei!"

The voice sounded like Ring's.

"Ring? Where are you?" Rei gasped, now looking around, frantically.

"The mall! Hurry!"

Rei grunted, now full-on sprinting toward the mall. It didn't take long to reach the entrance. Sprinting past crowds of people, Rei ran to the center of the mall, by the music section.

"Ring! Where are you? I'm in the mall! Describe your surroundings!" Rei said, before smacking into someone, they drop their CD, and it rolls across the floor.

"H-Hey! My Vivaldi!" The  girl shouted, before glaring down at Rei. Suddenly, her gaze softens. "Oh. Hey.. I remember you from the witch hunt with Mami.." She said, her voice low. "Rei, right?"

Rei sheepishly picks up the CD, inserting it back into the case, before handing it to the girl. "S-Sorry, Sayaka.. I am here because.. Uh.." Rei looked around, before leaning upward. "..I don't have time for this!" Rei stood up.


"EAH!-" Ring gasps loudly, as she slams against the stone wall, her magical girl outfit breaking apart as she falls down to her knees, her school uniform now appearing.

"See? See how weak you are? Look how strong you could have been." The brown-haired servant of Ayameko's said, twirling her broadsword. "Ayameko is not happy that Oriko is dead, Ring.. She's asked me to do a personal task for her.."

Ring slowly looked up at Miyumi, sweat dripping from her forehead. "..Wh.. What would that be?..." She spat blood.

Miyumi slowly grinned, before raising up her bright, copper-colored soul gem. "..To capture you."

The soul gem suddenly flashed, as Ring was sealed inside of a bright gold box. It spun around, twirling Ring inside. She gasped, and covered her eyes."I'm sorry, Tsuki.. Rei!.."

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