Only Dying a Little Bit

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•••A/N: ok so this is just a little thing I did and it's the first fic I've written in ages, first fic ever written on Wattpad and also first fic ever written for this fandom so it might be bad, please feel free to leave comments and if anyone spots a mistake please let me know!! Hope you like it!•••

Peter gasped as the bullet hit him, tearing into his stomach. He didn't actually feel the pain until almost a minute later but when he did feel it, it was excruciating. It was like someone was pulling barbed wire through his stomach. He bit his lip, hard enough to make it bleed, as he stood up quickly finishing the bad guy off, webbing him to a lamppost, for the cops who were watching in concern. He limped towards them and gave a thumbs up, though much less enthusiastic than the usual thumbs up.
"Y-you should go to a hospital." One police officer said nervously. Peter looked over at her; she was short and had her dark hair pulled into a tight bun, she was only young, probably about 21 and she looked terrified but so determined that Peter almost laughed.
"I'm fine. If all it took to stop me was one lousy bullet I wouldn't be here today, huh?" Peter said and the girl hesitated before slowly nodding.
"Catch ya later boys and girls." He called whizzing away with his web and telling himself he just had to make it home before he passed out. He'd been shot before, granted not that many times and only once had he been shot in such a vital place, but he had been shot before. However, he'd already been in bad shape when he went into the fight, he'd had a couple of stab wounds from his previous fight that hadn't healed yet and he noticed that he healed slower the more wounds he had and the more serious those wounds were, so right now his healing ability was taking its sweet time to do any healing. Peter managed to get into his apartment, collapsing into the floor. This was not so good. He should probably get somebody who could patch him up before he passed out and continued to bleed out on the floor. He reached for the phone that he kept hidden away in his suit, scrolling through the contacts as he tried to determine who to call. Finally he stopped on a name, Wade Wilson, he'd be able to help without putting Peter in danger of having his secret identity revealed to others, besides Wade already knew who Peter really was. He pressed the call button and it rung four times before Wade picked up.
"Hey my cuddle buddy." Wade said and Peter could make out the sound of clashing metal, so he was in the middle of a fight.
"I- I'm a bit h-hurt." Peter managed before he started spluttering and coughing on his own blood for a moment, this was very not good. Peter heard a man scream as he died on the other end and then he had Wade's full attention.
"Peter? Can you tell me where you are?" He asked
"My a-apart-me-ment. 'S n-not as b-ad as i-it sou-nds" Peter gasped out wondering why everything hurt so bad.
"Oh, so your not dying?" Wade asked brightly and Peter could hear him starting a car engine.
"On-only a li-litt-le b-it."
"Only dying a little bit? Well that sounds like you're doing fine then, you know I might stop and get some hotdogs on my way." Wade said and Peter half laughed before he started to choke again, it took him a minute before he could breathe again.
"Peter? You still with me?" Wade asked and Peter could hear the engine shut off and running footsteps.
"Yea." Peter breathed and only a few seconds later his door was thrown open and Wade was crouching over him.
"Yea, you really do look just peachy, don't know why I didn't stop for those hotdogs, I'm sure you would've been fine." Wade said sarcastically as he got the medkit from Peters bathroom -this wasn't the first time he'd patched Peter up, although it had never been this bad before. Wade got the small pair of scissors and cut Peter's SpiderMan outfit off carefully, it was too risky to try and peel it off his body so Peter would just have to make a new suit. Wade winced when he saw the damage inflicted on Peter's body, and looked up at the boy to find that he'd lost consciousness. Wade quickly worked on stitching up the stab wounds and then he got to work on digging the bullet out. He talked while he worked, just soft muttering under his breath, he wasn't really sure if he was talking to himself or to the unconscious Peter. He had a pair of tweezers in the hole in Peter's stomach when the boy woke up. Peter whimpered and his whole body tensed, his face contracting in pain. Wade grabbed his hand reassuringly and Peter held it weakly as though he wasn't even aware of it.
"Shh, it's ok. Go back to sleep, baby boy." Wade whispered and Peter relaxed a bit at his voice, he nodded as he slowly slipped to sleep. Wade continued, tried not to worry about how incredibly slowly Peter seemed to be healing; it was like when you look at a clock too many times and you almost convince yourself it's not moving. This was going to be a long night.

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