Chapter Twelve

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John's POV

Molly slept in our dorm last night, no one seemed to notice she was even gone, which was quite sad. She slept on Sherlock's bed, while he slept on the floor, which again, I found quite odd. When he was at my house he wouldn't even sleep on an air mattress, but last night he slept on the floor. Strange. Anyway, I woke up early, but it was Sunday so it wasn't too early, because I didn't have school. I carefully climbed out of bed and tip-toed over Sherlock, but that boy must have ears like a blood hound because he woke up and grabbed my ankle, causing me to fall over him.

'Jesus Sherlock!' By the time Molly had bolted up, half asleep and totally confused.

'I thought you were an intruder.' Sherlock said, with a complete straight face.

'Well no, I'm John, not an intruder.' I attempted to stand back up but he still had ahold of my ankle, so I fell over again.

'You can let go now Sherlock.' I wiggled my foot and he let go, then ran his hand through his curly hair. He had a major case of bed head, one side was straight from where he had been asleep on it, and the other side was full of mad curls and sticking-out parts. Molly was sat just behind him on the bed, one half of her brown hair had gotten knotted during the night, it looked like she just back-combed one side of her hair.

'Did nobody realize I was gone?' Molly yawned and started brushing through her bed-hair with her hands.

'Nope, thank god.' I suddenly notice I'm hungry, so I suggest we go for our breakfast.

'I'll go get dressed and meet you down there.'

Molly jumped up and pretty much ran out of the dorm, before she left she turned to look at Sherlock, I noticed him winking at her. He winked? Someone swapped him, he isn't acting normal.  Once we both got dressed, and Sherlock sorted his mad bedhead hair, we headed downstairs into the dinner hall for our breakfasts. I got a bowl of cereal and a carton of apple juice, I eventually convinced Sherlock to get an apple. A couple of minutes after sitting down, Molly came over with a breakfast bar and a cup of tea. We sat in silence eating our breakfast for a couple of minutes before a medium height boy came and hovered near our table. He had silver, almost grey hair, tanned skin, and quite a good build.

'Hi I'm Greg.' The boy smiled down at the table with a mouth full of white shining teeth.

'You're in our French class?' Molly looked up from the table and smiled slightly.

'Yes, I just wanted to say, I know it was like last year, but thanks for what you did with Anderson and Sally. Their bullying has certainly subsided since you both beat them up.' Greg shot a grin at Sherlock, who was staring at his obviously extremely intresting apple, which he hadn't eaten yet.

'You're welcome, they're both complete arses anyway.'

'That's true.'

'You can sit down Greg.' I smile and take a mouthful of cereal.

He sits in the chair next to me, across from Sherlock, who then looks up and scans over him with his eyes. Once he finished eyeing him up, he sat back against his seat and smirked. Greg didn't seem to notice.

Sherlock's POV

Greg is sitting across from me, looking around in awe. It's like he's sitting with the "popular kids" and we're far from popular. John, Greg and Molly made idle chatter over their breakfasts, while I look around, observing the students. No one interesting, this school is such a bore. I feel my phone vibrate from my pocket and bring it out, one new text;

Bored, Sherlock? Don't worry, I have a game for you to play, your first clue will come soon. -JM

Who the hell is JM? Think Sherlock! Think. I need to enter my mind palace, I run from the dinner hall, and into my dorm room. I flop down onto the bed and close my eyes to picture my mind palace. I arrive at the large black front door and push it open. I quickly run to the room of names and flick through the mass of names. No one fits JM, argh! I sit up in my bed and grab my phone to reply to the text;

Who are you? Where is the first clue? -SH

I don't have to wait long for a reply

Patience Holmes. The first clue is within your friends -JM

I run back down to the dinner hall and go to the table where I left John, Molly and Greg.

'Where the hell did you go, Sherlock?' John frowns up at me, he has finished his breakfast but he is still chatting to Greg.

'Where's Molly?' I quickly realize she isn't at the table.

'Some boy said he needed her in the library.'

Fuck! I grab John's arm and begin running to the Library, Greg follows suit. It doesn't take long to get to the Library, dodging the odd student, knocking a couple over in the process. When we arrive, the three of us split up across the Library to find Molly.

'Sherlock!' Greg's voice sounds from the far corner of the Library. When I arrive there is a handwritten note cello taped to the wall. It read;

Time to play, Sherlock. Your precious gem will be with me until you find me. It's a game of hide and seek, Mr Holmes. The clock is ticking. JM

(A/N: Sorry I took so long to update! But here you go, enjoy! I hope you like the bit of drama, hehe I'm evil)

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