Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N: I have no idea why but it's rated the story PG-13. Which it is not, so don't be getting excited, theres only a few swear words, nothing really bad, so I'm not too sure why it won't let me change it..anyway, over 500 reads OHEMGEE!)

John's POV

Sherlock, Greg and I stayed up all night trying to figure out who JM was, unsuccessfully. I was perched on the end of my bed, Sherlock was sat on the floor with his back against his bedside table and Greg had dropped off to sleep on Sherlock's bed. I'm surprised I hadn't fallen asleep yet, we had been up all night, when I looked out of the window I noticed that the sun was rising. Unfortunately it was Monday morning and I hadn't got a minute of sleep, neither had Sherlock, although it looked like he was asleep, other than the random hand gestures he was making in front of his face.

'Sherlock, it's like 6AM, I don't think we're getting anywhere.' I yawn.

No reply.

'Sherlock, we're at a lost cause. Go. To. Sleep.' Sherlock seemed to have frozen, then he snapped open his multicoloured eyes and glared at me.

'I do not need sleep John, I need to think. I need a cigarette.' Sherlock jumped up and pulled open his bedside cabinet, looking for his stash.

'No, Sherlock. We already spoke about this, you said you would quit.'

'I said that when I didn't have to think properly, John. Now I need to think and I need a cigarette!' Sherlock was shouting by the end of this, which caused Greg to stir and wake up.

'What the hell is the shouting about? What time is it?' Greg rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and glanced out of the open window.

'About 6, John where are they?' Sherlock kept his gaze fixed on me.

'No Sherlock, I won't tell you.' I folded my arms across my chest and lent back against the wall behind my bed. I was quite proud of myself for not caving in to him actually.

'They're in your drawers aren't they!' Sherlock jumped up and pulled my top drawers open, throwing out the contents.

'Sherlock! Bloody hell you're making a right mess!' I rushed up behind him and began picking up the clothes.

'John get them for me.' Sherlocks voice dropped, his voice vibrated around the room.


'Please John.' He spun round and looked at me, the whole atmosphere in the room changed.

I sighed and headed into the bathroom, in the cabinet there was a box, and inside the box there was 4 cigarettes, I pulled out and and left the bathroom. Sherlock was waiting outside the door with his eyes gleaming, I passed it him and watched him go over to the window to smoke it.

Sherlock's POV

I leaned slightly out of the window while I smoked so the smoke didn't get too much into the room. Everybody was silent, which was good, it let my brain think properly. I grabbed the note from the floor and looked at it again. 

Time to play, Sherlock. Your precious gem will be with me until you find me. It's a game of hide and seek, Mr Holmes. The clock is ticking. JM

Whoever had written it was right handed, but it seems like they were either shaking, or writing with their left hand. Then it clicked, whoever JM is got somebody else to write the note, probably Molly, so that he wouldn't be able to get recognized. Still useless though, there isn't any clue to where she is. Except..On the underside of the note, it had dirt on it, and tiny wooden splinter on it. Of course there is a lot of dirt round the back of the school, but only a small area of it has wooden chips around it. Around a tree. There is plenty of tree's at the school, but one that hardly anybody knows about, is where I used to go to smoke by myself.

'John, I know where she is.' I threw the remainder of the cigarette out of the window then grabbed my coat and navy scarf.

'How- Uh never mind, come on.' John leaped up and grabbed his coat, along with the half-asleep Greg.

We ran across the school campus, it was only about 6:30 so nobody was awake yet, apart from the odd teacher, but non saw us. We reached the large grass verge at the back of the building and ran through, the early morning dew still on the ground made a quiet squelch as we ran through. We finally reached the tree I was looking for, thick trunked and old with only a couple of leafs remaining, due to it being Autumn. And surrounded by small wooden chips. 

The three of us stopped about 15 foot away from the large tree and we stood in silence.

'You sure she-'

'Shh Gregory.' I snapped, keeping my eyes fixed on the tree. He will come out soon.

After about 5 minutes of waiting, a slender boy came from round the back of the tree, with a menicing grin slapped onto his face. He walked with his hands clasped firmly round the back of him and looked at the three of us.

'Knew you'd come eventually, Sherlock.' The boy spoke with a strong Irish accent.

'JM. What does it stand for.' I stood with my shoulders back, presenting myself to be taller than I am, and calmer than I actually am.

'James Moriarty.' He replied, the name in itself sounded sinister.

'Where's Molly?' John said beside me, his voice was strong and confident, but he held his hand behind his back, and it was shaking.

'I see you brought your pet, Sebastian bring out the girl.' Almost as soon as the words left his lips, a tall boy with blonde hair came from around the corner, carrying a small limp body.

He set it down on the ground and propped it up against the tree trunk. It was Molly, she looked dead, but I could see her chest raising and falling slowly. Her face was pale and there was black bags under her eyes, which remained shut. Her brown hair was down, it had bunched up on one side of her head, and a few strands fell over her face. The taller boy, Sebastian, knelt down in front of her and attempted to wake her, when she didn't he brought his hand up and slapped her across the side of the face with the back of his hand. I felt John move from beside me and lunge forward, luckily Greg caught him before he did anything stupid.

I continued to watch Molly, her eyes flicked open and she moved back against the tree. She then slowly took in her surroundings, then she spotted us. A range of emotions flashed through her eyes; relief, happiness, sadness, concern. I nodded slightly in her direction, just to let her know it would be ok, then fixed my gaze back onto the Irish man.

'I knew you couldn't resist my little game Sherlock.' He began walking forward and his little "friend" followed closely behind.

John lunged forward again, but the person who caught him this time was Sebastian. He pressed down on his pressure point and John fell like a bag of bricks. Closely followed by Greg. Now it was just me, against Jim and Sebastian. I flicked my gaze up to Molly, who was squirming furiously, but she was gagged and tied to the tree.

'Let her go.' I snarled through my gritted teeth.

'Ah ah ahh, it's not just that simple, you need to give me something in return for the girl.' Jim turned round and flashed a wide grin in Molly's direction. Then he dismissed Sebastian and the boy headed back over to the tree.

'Like what?' I took a step forward and looked down at the smaller boy.

'A delivery, simple really.' He took a small white package out of his pocket and handed it over to me, I read the address and scowled.

'Alright, just give her to me.' I looked up towards the tree where Molly had been tied, she was now un-gagged, untied and staggering over to me. I held out my arms and she fell into them.

'Until next time, Mr Holmes.' James Moriarty's Irish voice echoed around my ears, I tightened my grip on Molly and sighed.

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