Chapter Fourteen

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John's POV

Everything was dark. There was no noise apart from a steady quiet beep. I opened my eyes and stared at the white panel roof, once my eyes adjusted to the light I began to look around the room. I was in hospital. To the left was a man in a full body pot, with a breathing mask on, his beeps on the heart monitor were slower than mine. To my right was a familiar face, Greg. He was laid under the thin white sheets with a mask over his nose and mouth, his face was almost as pale as the sheets. Sat around here were a man and a woman, presumably his parents, and a younger girl, perhaps his sister. I turned my attention to the door just behind Greg when I heard it open, in walked Sherlock. His hair was messy, he had black bags underneath his eyes, he just looked worn out and tired. He was balancing a cup of coffee, a newspaper and biscuit in his hands. Once he managed to get the door open, he walked past Gregs bed, after stopped briefly and asking if he was doing any better, then he walked to the foot of my bed. He must be really exhausted because it took him a while to realize I was awake and staring at him, but when he did he rushed up to my left side and gripped my hand.

'John? John you're awake! How are you feeling?' A range of emotion quickly went past his eyes, relief, guilt, happiness. 

'I-I'm ok.' I managed to croak, my throat was tight and sore.

He sat down on a wooden chair that was next to my bed and took a drink of his coffee. I looked down at my arm and I had an IV drip attached to me, I followed the tube up and looked at the bag, it was turned away so I couldn't read it, it was just a clear liquid.

'Sherlock...what happened?' I turned my gaze back to Sherlock, who was staring down into his cup.

'Uh...well, Sebastian injected something into you and Greg when he made you pass put you in a coma.' Sherlock continued looking down into his cup, frowning slightly.

' long have I been here?'

'Just over 2 weeks.'

'Uh..h-have my mum or dad visited?' Sherlock looked up at me, his eyes were full of sympathy, and he shook his head.

I nodded and blinked away the tears that had started forming in my eyes, of course they wouldn't visit, who was I kidding.

'How's Molly?'

'She's still a little shaken, but she got discharged a couple of days ago, speaking of which, you should be getting discharged as soon as you wake up, I'll go-'

Before I could say anything he jumped up and left me by myself again. I looked over to Greg's bed, and he'd also began to wake up, I smiled slightly at him and he smiled back weakly. I didn't have to wait long for Sherlock to come bounding back into the round, with a couple of doctors trailing behind him.

'See, awake.' Sherlock beamed at the doctors.

'I guess we will just run a few more tests, then you can go, Mr Watson.' The doctor at the front of the group nodded and began talking to the rest of the collection of doctors and nurses behind him.

Sherlock's POV

I paced up and down the hallway of the hospital, waiting for the doctors to let me know if John could leave yet. He'd been a while having tests. What takes them so long? The doctor that I spoke to earlier came back out of the room, followed by two more nurses.

'He's free to go now, you just need to sign some paperwork and collect his medication, since his parents aren't here. Are you sure we shouldn't call them for him?' He walked over to the desk and I followed, then began signing the paper.

'No, really, it's fine.' I collected his medication then went back into his room, where he had got out of his hospital robe, and was dressed in a pair of simple jeans and his cream jumper. He looked much better now.

'We going then?' John smiled slightly

(A/N: I know this chapter is really short and kinda lame, but I got writers block. I couldn't think of what could happen next, so this is what I ended up with ;D If you have any ideas PLEASE tell me, I will dedicate the chapter to you ;] )

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