Chapter Three

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Sherlock's POV

After the assembly John and I walked back to our dorm, where we sat in silence for the most of the time, spoke a little, then got changed for bed.

John came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of blue striped pjyama bottoms and a large grey t-shirt. I was wearing some jogger bottoms, a black top and my long blue dressing gown. We both laid in our seperate beds with the lights off, but neither of us were asleep.

'..Sherlock?' John whispered.

'Yes John?' I turned over and looked over at his bed, where he was sat up.

'What is it like at your house?'

'Oh..Uh- I guess it's not exactly normal. Mother and father are almost never at home, neither is Mycroft really. So I just take care of myself, I get by. Why do you ask?' 

'It's don't seem know? Normal. I just thought...' John was propped up on his elbow looked over at me.

'You thought what?'

'It doesn't matter-'

'Did you think-'

'It's ok, it doesn't matter.'

John turned back around to face the wall.


'What Sherlock?' He turned back around with an annoyed face.

'Do you like your family?'

'...Yes Sherlock, of course I do.'

'Alright...' I turned around so my nose was touching the wall.

John soon drifted off to sleep, after laying looking at the wall for hours, I drifted off to sleep.

Johns POV

I woke up the next morning to the smell of...bacon? I didn't even know there was a kitchen in here. I sat up and looked over to Sherlocks bed, it was empty, I wasn't suprised. I looked over to the wall and Sherlock was stood by the windowsill, cooking bacon on a portable grill.

'What the hell Sherlock?' I walked up behind him.

'What?' He turned around, spatula in hand.

'You're making bacon! This isn't allowed, I'm sure.'

'They never said it wasn't allowed.'

'Oh God.'

'Do you want some?'

'I might aswell.' This boy was honestly the most interesting boy I'd ever met, he wasn't right.

We ate our bacon then I had a shower and got into my school uniform. When I came back out, Sherlock was sat on the floor reading a book again, but he was in his full school uniform, apart from a long black trench coat and a blue scarf. I didn't say anything, of course. At 8 o'clock we set off through the school to our first lesson; English. We went in I sat down at the back of the class, Sherlock sat behind me. We had to write a short story, we all got given seperate topics, I got given love. I haven't got the slightest idea how to write this. Sherlock kicked the back of my chair and I turned around.


He didn't reply, he just pretended nothing had happened, although he kept his foot on the back of my chair. I turned back around and almost immediatly he pushed my chair forward. I ignored him and began to write.

When Justin and Cassandra first met, they didn't exactly get along-

'Really? Thats how you're beginning it?' I turned round and Sherlock was lent right across his own desk and had his chin rested on my shoulder

'What's wrong with it?'

'Oooh look, freak has a friend.' A girl with frizzy black hair was the source of the noise.

'Shut up Sally.'

'Ooo touchy.'

'So were you with Anderson last night.' Sallys face immediatly went red and a young man next to her looked up with an equally red face.

'Don't worry Sally, I'm sure you and your boyfriend just got into a fight and you went over for a friendly chat..and to scrub his floors judging by the state of your knees.'

'Her knees?' I looked to Sherlock, he threw me a you-know-what-I-mean look.

'I really dont Sherlock.' I glaced at Sally and her eyes widened.

'I ment that she was on  her knees, you know?...' Sherlock whispered and did a small hand gesture.


'He's a psychopath guys, don't listen to him.'

'I'm not a pshycopath Anderson, I'm a high-functioning sociopath, do your research!' Anderson stood up and charged over to Sherlock. I immediatly stood up next to my friend.

'Aw, is your boyfriend sticking up for you?'

'I'm not his-'

'I wasn't talking to you, shrimpy.'

'Shrimpy? Oh god Anderson, you shouldn't talk outloud, your lowering the IQ of the whole school.' Sherlock remarked and I let out a small laugh, before clamping my hand over my mouth and laughed silently. 

We sat back down into our seats where I burst into hysterics, I hear a laugh come from behind me and saw that Sherlock was in the same state as me.

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