Chapter Seventeen

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Sherlock's POV

We arrived at the house around 30 minutes later. It had started to get dark, but the lights from inside each house gave off a warm glow. Except from the house across from me, the light were out, they musn't be in, which I'm glad about. It will be easier if they're not in, at least I don't have to see the satisfaction in John's mums face, and the disappointment in his dad's. Molly is cowering beside me, clutching onto my arm tightly, as though I would float away from her at any minute. I shouldn't of brought her here, as much as she would of kicked off, I should of left her. Take her back. Take her back now. I was ignoring my sub-conscious, as dangerous as I knew it could potentially be. 

I walked through the gate-way to the perfectly average house and knocked twice on the door. When nobody opened it, which I assumed nobody would, I tried the handle; locked. I rummaged round, with Molly still clinging to me, I found the key within a few minutes, under a plant pot and I unlocked the house. The inside was plain, different to the last time I saw it, the happy atmosphere that hung in the air last time was no longer there, instead it felt empty and unloved. I stalked into the kitchen, where I produced the package and left it on the counter with a note stuck to it, with John's mum's name on it. I felt horrid for giving it to her, obviously I did, but I had to. I have to protect John...And Molly...And Lestrade...And everybody that I have ever gotten even the slightest bit close to. I heard muffled movement from above me, both me and Molly snapped our heads up to look for the source of the noise. It had come from directly above us, I closed my eyes and entered my mind palace, I looked at the map of John's house. Directly above the kitchen was...John's bedroom. 

'Stay here.' I twist around to speak to Molly, she still hadn't let go of my arm.

'N-no, I'm coming with you.' She stuttered, I knew it was a bad idea bringing her here.

'Molly...Just listen to me. Stay. Here.' I cupped her face in my hands, the look on her face was unforgettable, a mixture of pure terror, fake courage and plea. 

'Sherlock, don't leave me here.' I could see the tears building in her eyes, she was so terrified, she knew how dangerous these people could be, yet she still made me bring her. Stupid Molly. I lowered down and closed the space between our lips. At first she just froze, but then she relaxed into it and kissed back softly. I pulled back after a minute and took hold of her hand. Her face was flushed pink up to the tip of her ears, she looked so innocent. We left the kitchen and began to walk slowly up the stairs hand in hand, each time a step creaked we both stopped in our tracks.  

'I knew you would give in eventually Holmes.' Jim Moriarty said in his thick Irish accent, smirking in the corners of his mouth.

'I couldn't exactly not come.' I stood in front of Molly protectively. 

'I see you brought your pet, let me see.' He smirked again and moved slightly.

'I-I want to leave...' Molly whispered from behind me, only loud enough so I could hear.

'We're going, we did what you asked, we're safe. Goodbye James.' 

I grabbed her hand and began to lead her down the stairs when I head the gun being cocked. 

'Don't move.' A man next to him said, the same guy who had taken Molly.

Molly musn't of heard, either that or she chose to ignore him because as I stopped, she continued walking. She took a few more steps before she realized I had stopped. By the time she turned around the gun had been shot.

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