Chapter One

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Johns POV

'John! JOOOOOOOOOHN' I woke up with a start, my fathers plump face looking down on me

'Uh what time is it'


'What- Shit!' I jumped out of bed and made my way over to the bathroom, the door was locked

'Let me in!' I banged on the door with my fists

No answer

'Who's in there?' Please don't be mum, please don't be mum

''It's just me sweetie, won't be a sec' Shit

I waited outside the door for another 2 minutes, then my mum came out of the bathroom, her hair brushed back, her skin was paler than usual, almost a sickly colour green. I ignored her effort to hug me and ran straight into the bathroom. Today was my first day at my new bording school, and already it hadn't begun well. I jumped in and out of the shower in record time, quickly brushed my teeth, then brushed my hair. Once I got back into my bedroom I climbed into new underwear(it's monday, so red), a pair of black jeans and a thick red jumper. I grabbed my satchel, throwing in my laptop and its charger, grabbed a pair of new trainers and ran downstairs. I glanced at the clock, 7:56AM, I had four minutes to eat breakfast and be out of the house and at the train station, I don't have time. I ran outside while still shoving a shoe on, where my dad was putting my suitcases into the boot of the car, I jumped into the passenger side door and slammed it shut.

'Ready boy?' My dad climbed into the car after me

'Yep' I looked over at the house and my mom was stood in the doorway, waving happily at me, I put on my best face and waved back at her.

It was a 5 minute drive to the train station, when we arrived I bought my tickets and said bye to my dad.

'Harry is already here, she will take your suitcases to the train station down in London and drive you to Baskerville, alright?'

'Alright Dad, bye' I gave him one last hug before jumping on the train, where it took be a couple of minutes to find a seat, one of them four seat things, with a table, across from me sat a young-ish looking boy, black curly hair, pale skin, reading what looks like Alice in Wonderland.

Harry is my sister, if you're wondering, short for Harriet. She would take me but she has her girlfriend in the car with her, and it's only a four seater, she is dropping Clara off at her house in London then driving me to my new school. 

I shift in my chair and put my satchel in the seat next to me, hoping no one will sit next to me. Just before we set off the ticket man comes around asking for the tickets, I get mine quickly out of my bag and give it to him, where he punctures a hole in it and gives it back. The boy across from me has fallen asleep, I think, he is sat upright still, but his eyes are shut. 

'Mate, wake up, ticket' The ticket man shakes the boy softly

'I'm not sleeping' He opens his piercing blue eyes, and looks across at me, then back at the man.


The boy reaches into his pocket and thrusts it at the man, then opens his book back up and carrys on reading. 

'I'm Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes' The boy says, without looking up

'Um..I'm John. Watson' 

'Can I borrow your phone' He lowers his book to see me better, running his eyes over everywhere that he can see

'Oh..sure' I reach into my pocket and give him my phone

'Afganistan or Iraq' Sherlock taps at the phone then passes it back


'Your dad, did he fight in Afganistan or Iraq?'

'Afganistan, how did you know'

'Why don't you sleep'

'Uh- What?'

'You're obviously tired, I can tell by the bags under your eyes and your posture, you obviously didn't get much sleep last night, prehaps it was excitement to wherever you're going today, doubt it, you don't look happy. More likely that it was nightmares, so why don't you go to sleep, its a long journey'

'How- What else do you know' This boy is crazy, how the hell did he know I had nightmares,not even my dad knew I had nightmares.

'I know that you have a brother who recently split up with his girlfriend, you're ashamed of him, maybe its because you liked his girlfriend, but more probably because he is an alchoholic. You're moving away from home today, you seem relieved but scared. Are you scared that your alchoholic brother might hurt your parents while you're away? Doubt it, he doesn't live with them. You are deep in therapy, for what, I don't quite know, you have trust issues and your therapist thinks you might be bipolar, maybe you just have anger issues. Did I get anything wrong?'

'That..was amazing' I have no word for what just happened. What even was that?

'That's not what people usually say' Sherlock grinned over the table at me

'What do people normally say?'

'Piss off!' We both laughed a little, then lapsed back into silence. 

We travel the rest of the journey in silence, with the odd small talk, mainly from me. He isn't much of a convosation keeper. After a couple of hours, the train stops and we get off. I say goodbye to Sherlock but I don't think he heard me. I get to the main road and Harry is waiting for me, she runs over and grabs me into a hug.

'Hey little man! Ready for your new life?'

'How dramatic, you make me sound like I'm moving countries' I rolled my eyes and laughed

It is a short drive to Baskerville, and when we arrive, I'm already not loving it. It's an old, grey building, with large steel gates outside. Harry unloads my suitcases out and I am greeted by a tall boy wearing the school uniform.

'You must be John? I'm Mycroft Holmes, I'm head boy, now lets see, what room are you...Ah yes! Room 221 on corridor B, you're sharing brother, good luck, right this way, someone will bring your bags up'

I run over to Harry and quickly hug her, before following the head boy down the corridor, behind us are two boys carrying my suitcases.

'Here we go, try to last longer than the last one' Mycroft opens the door and laughs

'What-' The boy walks away, the other two boys drop my suitcases at the door and run after him. I grab my bags and walk backwards in through the door, before I look up, I look for the avalible bed, to the right, and put my suitcases on the bed.

'John..Watson?' I turn round, and in the middle of the floor, reading Alice in Wonderland, is Sherlock Holmes, the boy from the train.

The School and The Sociopath [Teen!Lock]Where stories live. Discover now