Chapter Nine

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John's POV

I wake up with a start and slam my hand onto my alarm, it's Janurary again, back to school after Christmas. I don't mind going back, infact I quite like the school, I am quite intrigued to find out how Sherlock's Christmas was. I quickly get dressed and pull my suitcases down the stairs and load them into my Dad's car, quickly say goodbye to my mother, avoiding any contact and take the journey back to school. We do the same route as a couple of months ago, I take the train, then Harry takes me to the school. When I arrived at the large gates, I unloaded my suicases and took them up to my dorm after saying goodbye to Harriet.

'Hello John.' I spin around to find the head boy, Sherlock's brother, Mycroft, standing infront of me, smiling down at me.

'Hello Mycroft.' I nod and start walking to my dorm.

'Did you have a pleasant holiday?' Small talk? I didn't think Mycroft to be one for small talk.

'Yes thank you, I did, and yourself?'

'Same as always.' Mycroft scoffed and walked in the opposite direction.

I reached the dorm and pushed the door open slowly, and sure enough sat on his bed reading a book was Sherlock. His raven curls fell carefully down his forhead while he read, his grey eyes moving quickly across the page. He was dressed in a black suit, and much to my supprise, the blue scarf I bought him for Christmas was hanging around his slender neck.

'Hello John.' He looked up from his book momentarily before looking back down.

'Hi Sherlock, good holiday?' I sat on my bed across from him and attempted to make small talk with the mysterious boy.

Sherlock laughed slightly, but didn't smile. How is that even possible?

'I suspect you had a good holiday John.'

'Well, it was alright, it would of been better if you stayed.'

'I couldn't do that, you know I couldn't.' Sherlock pushed his book down to get a better look at me.

I sighed, of course he couldn't, I know that if Sherlock would of stayed, his cold heart would of thawed, and we couldn't be having that now, could we? I don't understand Sherlock, sometimes he can be so cold and closed up, other times he can show a little bit of happiness, not much, but a little bit. And the rest of the times I don't know what he's like, he's just...Sherlock.

'We should get unpacked and go pick up our new time tables.' Sherlock placed his book down on the bedside cabinet and started packing his belongings away in his drawers.

'Yeah...' I quickly pack away my stuff to keep up with Sherlock and follow him as he stalks out of the dorm room while pulling on his coat and wrapping his scarf more securly around his pale neck. I followed him down through the main hall where a couple of new students were standing in a small group being spoke to by Mycroft. One of them was a girl, about mine and Sherlock's age, her brown hair was back in a tight pony tail and she was gripping onto her books tightly, she looked over at us, well, at Sherlock. I saw Sherlock looking back at her, a small grin crept onto his face and the young girls face blushed crimson.

'Do you know her?' I half-jogged up to the tall boys side.

'Molly? Yes, we went to primary together, intelligent girl.' Sherlock didn't look down at me, but I could see him grinning slightly again.

'And..?' I urged him to tell me more.

'And what?' He stopped in his tracks and looked down at me, his grey eyes burning into mine.

' thought there was something else, no? That's ok.' I started walking again, only to have Sherlock clamp his cold hand onto my shoulder and pull me back.

'Like what, John?'

'I don't know Sherlock. I just thought there was something else, you smiled, you don't just smile at nothing.' I saw that grin appear on his face, yet again.

'Well, there's nothing, even if there was, I wouldn't tell you.' He started walking again and I sped up to follow him.

We got our new time tables, pretty much the same as last year, except Sherlock had been moved out of my English class, which I'm not surprised by the way me and him were last year. The first lesson we had was English, so Sherlock and I headed our seperate ways. I sat at the back of the classroom on a double desk, the rest of the class piled in, no one sat next to me. I had got myself a reputation after becoming friends with Sherlock, people started avoiding me. Strangly, I didn't mind, I had Sherlock and I didn't care if people thought I was weird, as long as they didn't say anything about Sherlock while I was there, then all was ok. The teacher started reading out the register, everyone answered, apart from one, called Molly Hooper, apparently she was new. Oh! Maybe she was the one Sherlock knows. A couple of minutes later, a red faced and panting Molly crashed through the doors, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the girl, making her turn even more red. She murmered an apology and the teacher told her to find a desk, every other desk was taken apart from the one next to me. She fell down into the chair and swung her bag under the table after placing her book ontop of the desk, the cover was torn slightly and had smeared mud on it. She noticed me looking at her met my gaze, to her tattered books.


'You should probably get some new books, the headteacher wouldn't like how that looks'

'Yeah..uh..I will'

'I'm John Watson, by the way' I smiled kindly at her, I think it might of looked a little creepy actually rather than comforting

'I'm Molly Hooper, uh..I'm new' She smiled slightly and turned back to her tattered books.

(A/N: Yay update! Finally. AND OVER 300 READS, IM SO HAPPY, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! Again, remember to vote if you liked it, and leave comments if you want, Laters!-MU)

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