Aftermath - Chapter Two

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Sherlocks POV

Everything went hazy and blurry, I stared at the doorway for what seemed like a lifetime, turned out it was about thirty seconds. People in the room began to turn to each other in utter confusion, a lot of people just sat in silence. John Watson, god bless him, stood up from his seat when capturing my gaze, just before my legs gave way and I fell to the floor. Luckily he caught me mid-way and I managed to remain standing, which probably made it worse in actual fact. The brown-haired woman was still stood in the doorway, her red dress hugging her waist comfortably, her slim lips curved up into a sly grin, her large, brown, shining eyes fixed directly onto mine. I remember those eyes, it's something that you remember for a lifetime, the thing is, those eyes had been haunting my dreams for the past four years. The same memory played over and over in my mind, how those eyes closed forever in front of me with tears flowing from them. But they were different this time, they were bright, but in a sickening sense.

"Did you miss me?" The woman smirked as she stepped further into the room, people who were surrounding her now dispersed.

"I..." I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, it was a dream, just a dream.

"Sherlock?" John touched my arm lightly and I opened my eyes again, he looked solemnly at me.

"T-This is a dream...right John? I've just had another drug burst, like the last time. This isn't real John, tell me!"

"Oh this is real alright, Sherlock, my darling." The woman stepped even closer, confirming my worst fears.

It was Molly Hooper. The same Molly Hooper who died in my arms four years previous, the woman who haunted my dreams, made me feel more emotions than I'd ever felt in my entire life. The very same Molly Hooper who I had loved since I was 10 years old, the one who I had told my deepest and darkest secrets, the one who came to my house once when we were 14 after a failed date at 2am with mascara running down her face, asking why no one loved her. Oh how I regret not telling her there and then, or ever for that fact. She was the best person in my life, and I didn't even realize until I lost her. Or...thought I lost her.

Molly walked right up to me, her head held high, her eyes locked shamelessly onto mine. She reached out, her manicured hand rested onto my bicep gently, but her eyes were telling a completely different story.

"Remember me, Sherlock? The girl you ignored, hated, treat like shit for over ten years? Remember that? Remember how many times I threw myself at you, but you were too much of a freak to realize? Well-" Her speech was cut off by a scream, an un-godly sort. My own, I soon realized.

I found myself on the ground, John Watsons arms wrapped tightly around my undernourished and battered body as it shook violently. I could hear mumbling from the other people in the room, then they all went silent. As soon as I gained the energy to open my eyes again, the only people left in the room was myself, John Watson, and Molly Hooper. She was grinning like a Cheshire cat, drumming her nails on the table before me. John Watsons face was red and agitated, his eyes running over mine rapidly.

"Sherlock? Sherlock, speak." He spoke in a low, cautious voice.

"She's still" I croaked, looking up into John's eyes.

"Because I'm alive, gosh for a genius you're stupid!" Molly snapped at me, her eyebrows narrowing

"You died...In my arms...I saw you! I held you!" I looked over at Molly, swallowing thickly

"I never died. I'm just a fantastic actress with some amazing sources. My favourite... A guy named James Moriarty, I assume you know him." She smirked devilishly.

((A/N: HELLO AGAIN. It's been a long time, but I finally updated. And I'd like to say an amazing thank you to everybody who has read my story and gotten me to over 11 thousand reads!! It's truly amazing! So thank you very very much. MU.))

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