The ropes

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The men crouch walking tauntingly in a circle around each other. The way they moved was beautiful, like an exotic, deadly dance. I couldn't keep my eyes off the way they attacked. Their bodies moved in harmony, one hit, the other attacked, my eyes mesmerized by the dance. It shortly ended as the guy named Wolf beats Stealth, who was skinnier then me but he was fast, like crazy fast.

"Now that's how it's done" Kyas says and I nod. Wolf was proud and I knew his weakness was that he underestimated people.

"Hop up there, Sunshine" calls a voice and hoots filled the air, along with cat calls.

"I guess they found your nickname" Kyas says smiling. I get up there by swinging my leg over the stage and hoisting myself up.

"Sure about this cupcake?" Wolf says giving an ironic wolfish grin.

"You bet I am, doggy." I say bouncing slightly on my toes.

He lunges taking my middle down with his huge frame. I twist my elbow hitting his jugular, and he falls to the side. I land a kick to his chest sending him flying through the wall. I jump down of the stage enjoying the look of pure disbelief on my viewer's faces.

Something about the way it quickly changed had me vaguely aware that Wolf was getting up. I jump back up on stage as he circles me like prey. He throws his punch with a land that clips my jaw, and I wince. I throw my punch and allow my full strength to back up the power of the punch and Wolf is out like a light. I stare down at him unsure of what to do.

A low clapping fills the room before its all that I can hear. Butterflies flutter up my stomach and I didn't know why, I just knew something special was near. My mate, the inner voice howls and I glance around sniffing the air. Disappointment jolts through me as I realize this was a false alarm. Kyas watches me with interest his green eyes keen, like he knew. I hop down and he smiles

"Ready to train?" He asks.

"Yes" I say nodding my eyes skirting around the room once more. Dark eyes watch me and a gorgeous man is there, his head cocked to the side. Why was every man in this Academy gorgeous? Well they were wolves. I shake my head to still find that man still starring at me. He had smoldering green eyes and dark blonde hair.

Kyas suddenly stops and my eyes snap to him.

"Are you alright?" He asks and I nod and he continues to walk.

"Now the dorms are fixed by gender and age. So your obviously a female and I'm guessing your about 18?" He asks and I nod he was spot on.

"Your dorms are located down the North Wing and it seems you'll be rooming with Silver Andrew." He says and then he's gone.

Okay, I think to myself as I locate the North Wing. Again the feeling of my mate follows me and I glance around. My annoyance doesn't slip me as I see no one and I huff going down the hallway.

****Alpha king*****

I watch her through the one sided wall with intrest. She could feel my presence and it's blatantly obvious as she stops and glances around. My eyes follow her as she suddenly comes to her senses and continues to walk down the hallway. I growl turning around, Why did I care about this stupid wolf? "She is your mate" my inner wolf rebudles. "Shut up." I snarl back and disappear into my little room.

***Regular P.O.V****

I come to a door that had a list of names on it and my eyes slide down till I see Silver Andrew in room 260. I walk down the hall till I spot the door and knock. The door opens and a very pretty blonde pulls it open, a silver nose ring sparkiling in the light.

"Hey you must be Scarlett Winters. I'm Silver, get your little butt in here" she says laughing, a accent tinting her words.

I go in and put my bags on a plush vibrant gold comforter. "Yeah its the rules to have the blanket on. But don't worry they just put them on, fresh and clean."

I nod and fall back on the bed and my eyes close from all the excitment. A low humming noise has my eyes opening slightly, Silver was standing in the mirror twisting her died blonde hair into a messy bun.

"Come on, dinner starts in about 10 minutes" she says glancing at a watch on her wrist. She wore a zipup suit that was gold and brandished the Academy's symbol. I glance around and sure enough mine sat on a brown mahogany desk. I get up and grab it heading to the bathroom.

I shut the door and get ready, pulling my long hair into a high ponytail and slip on the outfit, zipping it up, along with a tanktop and shorts that I slip on underneath the suit. I check my makeup before leaving the bathroom. Silver was on her bed, her head hanging over the side starring at me, obviously seeing me upside down.

"Dinnertime" she yells getting up and hooking her arm through mine. I'm mildly as she throws back her head back and howls.

"Wait" she says seeing my surprise.

I hear howls echo throughout the hallway. A lone howl echoes longer then most and a shiver makes its way up my spine. Silver smiles at me and nods her head so I throw back my head and howl loudly.

"Wow" Silver breaths as I stop and I smile. My howl has always been my strongest wolf habit. It was haunting, and beautiful at the same time, but this one was laced with sadness, but why hadn't occured to me.

"Have you found your mate?" I ask and she nods turning and pulling her hair from the back of her neck. A paw print the color of cherries lay there. This was the mark of the Gamma.

"Have you not?" She asks and I shake my head, loneliness sending a sharp pain up my chest.

"I'm sure you will" she says and I just shrug and follow her until we get to a giant room filled with chatting wolves.

Silver squeals and literally flies through the air hugging a hot, muscular guy and my jaw drops.

"Scarlett this is my mate, Ethan." She says her eyes never leaving off him.

He eyes me and offers a very small smile before turning back to his mate.

"I have to go, darling. Meet me in the gardens at 5" he says kissing her hand and is gone.

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