Meeting my mate

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As I walk stares follow me and I instantly wish I could hide. I was thrilled to find my mate but not in this way.

My heart pounded as I knock on the door and he opens it. He was not smiling but he was not exactly frowning.

I step inside and he shuts the door and takes a seat behind the desk. I stand nervously my face turning redder by the minute.

"Have a seat" he says his voice stern.

I didn't have to be told twice, and my legs crumble into the seat nearest to me.

"I called you here to have a little chat." He says leaning forward, his arms crossed. His muscles bulged as he did so and my eyes widen and I look down, my cheeks red.

"Scarlett" he says clearing his throat.

I glance up my cheeks still red. "I had a mate when I was younger, Alison. She died about a year ago and I have not been the same. I can not garauntee I can be a good mate to you as I was to Alison but you have my word that I will try. But that brings me back to the issue of me being your mentor. You will no longer have any teachers, I will be your teacher 24-7 and I will not treat you any better then other students. I will only push you harder because you are my mate."

I blink this was unexpected and I didn't know what to say.

"Scarlett" he says sternly and I nod slowly unsure what to say.

"Good now you will go to my dorm and wait for me there."

"But I-" I start to say and he glances up.

"What?" He says raising his eyebrows and I flinch.

"I'll just go" I say and I move to open the door. The door shuts and I look up to see an arm. The Alpha King stood behind me and I turn. His face leans closer to me and he inhales.

His eyes look at my lips and I'm to transfixed to say anything as he leans toward my neck.

He sighs his nose pressed against my neck "You don't know how much I've missed having a mate" he says and I instantly feel bad for him.

"I'm sorry" I say and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Can I mark you?" he asks and I nod slowly.

His lips curve up into a painful breathtaking smile and I melt in his arms.

His arms hold my waist tightly, holding me up, and my wolf is panting as his teeth get closer.

His teeth graze softly on my neck and my eyelids flutter and I pull him closer. His teeth sink into my neck. Pain clouds my vision before pleasure takes hold.

A moan passes my lips and he presses closer to me, his growl possessive.

"I want you to go straight to my room" he says pulling back and he turns away from me.

I step forward and put my hand on his shoulder and he turns angrily, his clear green eyes now pure red.

I gasp and he pushes me against the wall, his hands touch my waist as his lips land roughly on mine.

His sharp canines press against my lips and I moan pulling him closer. His hands pull my legs up around his waist before they hold me up by my thighs.

He starts to move, me still wrapped around his waist and his arm wraps under my butt as his other arm sends everything on his desk crashing to the ground.

My body is pushed against the desk, my back hitting the hard top. A deep growling was passing through his lips every second.

Someone starts knocking on the door and we fly apart on opposite sides of the room. The door opens and a pretty brunette walks in her eyes widening as she realizes her mistake.

The Alpha King bends down and starts collecting his papers off the ground, his eyes looking up at me and I blush rushing out of the door.

"Scarlett" he calls and I stop and turn my face aflame. "You better be in my room when I get there, you don't want me to come and get you. Because that can be a very messy encounter" he says a mischevious smile on his lips.

I groan at the hidden meaning and lurch forward hugging him. He tenses before his arms hug my waist and I breath in his scent. My mate was amazing.

His lips touch my forehead and I say "Try to keep me away" before turning when his hand darts out catching my wrist.

"You, mi amor, are an angel" he says before he turns and disappears into the room. His voice changing into stern alpha as he talks to the female.

I walk down the hallway, a skip on my step that had never been there before. I beam at Kyas, who is walking toward the Alpha kings office.

"So how was your little chat with Lucifer?" He asks and I smile proudly.

"I don't talk and tell" I say humming and walk away as a knowing grin appears on Kyas' face.

A door at the end of the hallway makes me know its Lucifers so I go up. 3 long staircases lay ahead of me and I groan.

I trudge up the stairs and I finally get to the top and I open the door letting the inside be known.

His room was masculine and smelled like him. It was adorned in black and gold and now I knew why the gold was incorperated into the school.

I go in further and see a giant tub and I gasp. "You know this is your room too, feel free to get in" says a voice and Lucifer stands in the doorway.

I nod slowly and he shuts the bathroom door and I can here dressers shutting. "Here" he says opening the door and handing me one of his shirts.

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