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"Boss"... a.k.a.- Enzo

I panic and run down the hallway. I quietly shut myself into the room and glance around. Where was everyone?

I shove myself into a cupboard and put a hand over my mouth to stifle my breathing. I alone could not take on 3 grown male wolves. A knife is clutched firmly in my hand and I hear taunting whistles as someone comes into the bedroom.

"Hear wolfy, wolfy" a mans voice says and I hear 2 men chuckle.

"Where could you be, you know your scent smells familiar almost like the Luna. Oh what a treat boss will be thrilled. He hasn't been graced with a female much less a Luna in a long time" the man says and I shiver.

I scream as the cupboard is thrust open and I'm yanked out. I slash out with my knife and catch one in the shoulder.

He hisses in pain and he grabs my hair yanking me to my knees, twisting my hand, the knife cluttering to the ground.

I whimper in pain as he pulls me down the stairs, my body thudding heavily against it.

"Boss guess who we caught. The pretty little luna" he says and the shadowed man turns around.

"Ah such a pretty little thing, don't you agree Lucifer" says the man known as "the boss."

I laugh humorlessly and say "You touch me and I will bite you." Baring my wolf teeth. His hand slams hard onto my face, the sound echoing through the room.

Lucifer snarls pulling against the silver that imprisons him. I wince as he howls when the silver digs into his wrist.

"Hmm. What to do with you I suppose you could be chained along with your mate. But what's the fun in that." He taps his chin thinking of something and he snaps his fingers.

"Ahh, this little vixen will be put in my chambers, will she shall wait for my arrival." I snarl pulling against the men and snap my teeth at there hands.

A painful collision to my head has me falling into a swirling darkness. I wake up in Lucifer's room, my arms chained tightly to one side of the bed.

The room was empty but I knew that it wouldn't be for long. I glance around and pull against the chains but come up short as it burns. I stop when I hear the bathroom door open and the man steps out a towel around his waist and drying his hair with another.

I move closer to the board, pulling my legs up and scutching as far back as the chains would allow. The man stops and looks at me "Don't worry, raping is not my thing, I prefer my woman to want me in more ways than another" he says with a smirk.

I don't make eye contact instead I ignore him and stare at the far corner. This seems to anger him because he leans against the bed and pulls my chin up roughly.

"When I talk you look at me" he growls, his wolf wanting dominance. My wolf snaps her eyes automatically down knowing she would loose the battle if she showed a challenge.

He snarls and I jump at the sound. "What did I just say" he growls out. I try my hardest to make eye contact but my wolf was having none of it, so my eyes settle between the wall behind him.

He punches the bed but gets up and walks annoyed to the bathroom where I hear him get something out of the cabinet. He comes back with a bottle of pills.

"Here this will help with the pain" he says handing me 2 painkillers.

"What pain?" I ask and just as I ask a searing pain ripples through my head and I scream.

"Stop" I yell pulling against the chains and as I do so, knocking the pills from his hands, scattering them across the floor.

He tsks with his tongue and bends down to pick them up, all the while my head still in pain. A whine erupts from my mouth and I rub my head against the pillow, trying to make it stop.

"Please" I beg the pain to unbearable.
"Why should I stop if you don't follow any of my rules. Tell you what, I will stop and give you the painkillers, but all you have to do, little vixen is look me in the eyes."

I struggle to lift my head my wolf trying to stop the unbearable pain. I pull against her to be the dominant host, her whimpers have me growling and I lift my head off the pillow.

My eyes shoot up on there own accord and his eyes look down at me in amusement. His eyes were the color of coal dust, I could drown in them. He held so much coldness in them and I couldn't seem to rip my eyes from there internal darkness.

I soon realize the pain was gone and a dull headache had set in and I reach out for the painkillers. He yanks his hand back and my head is soon again engulfed with pain.

I yell out in agony and he chuckles "Sorry little vixen, it has nothing to do with you I just love to hear the sound of Lucifer's whimpers when he hears you in pain. It fills me with such joy to know that I'm the reason for that."

My wolf was shrinking lower and lower into me that I could hardly feel my connection.

"Stop please your killing her" I say loudly breaking through the pain. My body was seizing and shaking, my wolf no longer as strong as she had been.

The pain is gone but I could still feel her weak connection, barely there. I breathe deeply tears that I never realized I had shed were making my face wet.

"Don't worry I still feel your Luna connection, she'll survive" he says rolling his eyes.

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