The Day Out

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I get in the shower and get out pulling on his shirt. I crack open the door and see Lucifer on his bed, shirt off, a laptop on his legs, typing. I take a moment and study him.

"You know I like that your starring at me but I would much rather have your presence beside me in this bed" he says typing as he's talking to me.

I go out of the bathroom and sit on the bed nervously. His fingers pause on the laptop and he glances up at me. "If your uncomfortable I can sleep in my office?"

"No, I just have never slept in a bed with someone else before." I say scratching my neck nervously.

His smile grows bigger and he pushes the laptop off his lap. It crashes to the ground. The awful sound has me knowing that it broke.

"Umm" I say and glance at the laptop "Your laptop broke" and I point at it.

"I know" he says moving closer and I look at him.

"What are you doing?" I say moving farther on the bed.

"Nothing" he says and then I somehow end up underneath Lucifer.

I look up at him, my heart sinking to my toes. "L-L-Lucifer" I say stuttering slightly.

"I'm not gonna do anything, my angel, my wolf just got a little carried away with his pride for you" he says.

"Oh really" I say raising my eyebrows at him.

"Yes" he says crossing his arms but making no move to get off me.

"Can you get off me?" I ask and he glances at me his eyes flickering red.

He flips over and pulls me along, so I'm laying against his chest.

I fall asleep right away and I hear Lucifer's even breath along with mine.

2 weeks later:

Lucifer was very stern about my training and I had to get perfect marks in all my classes or I had to run 5 miles per bad mark.

"Scarlett" Lucifer says annoyed as I collapse on the ground, my breathing heavy.

"Hold on, please" I say and he roles his eyes and sits beside me.
Lucifer suddenly gets nervous and scratches his neck. "Mi amor, I want to know if you'd go out on a date with me?" He asks and I giggle.

He gets annoyed that I laugh and starts to leave. I get up "I'm sorry your just cute when your nervous" I say.

He turns and he smirks "Now that your standing how about 5 laps around the gym?"

"Does it help if I say yes" I ask hopefully.

He shakes his head slowly and I sigh but then I walk toward him. I kiss him and he says "And for that 6 laps."

I groan "Must you torture me?" I ask and he frowns.

"If it teaches you valuable skills then yes. So Scarlett I expect those laps right now" he says crossing his arms

"Or I will give you a bad mark, and you know how mad I get when you get a bad mark."

I swallow nervously and take off running until my 6 laps are done. I storm past him until I get to the dorm and slam the bathroom door locking it.

I hear him coming into the room so I turn on the shower and get in. I had only been joking why did he get in such a pissy mood.

"Scarlett" I hear him call but I pretend to not hear him.

"Angel?" He says knocking softly on the door.

"I'm in the shower, Alpha" I say actually getting in.

He sighs "I'm sorry I just got a little angry when you thought I was torturing you. That was never my intention for you to think. I only want what is best for you." I pause and turn off the shower and get out.

I pull on a pair off blue jeans and a flowery blouse, with a necklace, and tan high heeled shoes. I blow dry my hair and pull it into a bun and do simple makeup.

I step out and Lucifer was still infront of the bathroom door, and when he sees me in my outfit, his eyes turn red.

"Where are you going looking like that, mate?" He asks and I freeze.

"With you" I say and he backs me up against the wall.

"You fucking better be" he says and I shiver, I had never heard him cuss to me or anyone before.

I whimper and he pauses as he hears that sound. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I've done wrong."

"My angel I'm sorry" he says and wraps me in a hug.

"You ready?" He says in my ear and I nod.

He lets me down and pulls my hand in his and we walk out. "SCAR" someone calls and a tall blonde comes racing at me.

"Silver?" I say as she hugs me. "Yes I'm so excited, a double date. I'm guessing it was your idea. Or maybe it was Lucifer by the shocked look on your face" she says in an excited ramble.

This was Silver's outfit

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This was Silver's outfit

I turn and look at Lucifer our hands still entwined. "A double date?" I ask and he shrugs.

"That's fine with me" I says and he glances at me proudly.

Ethan looked fetching in a leather jacket but Lucifer still was far more better looking.

"Where are we going?" I ask and both of the boys shake their heads.

I groan as I realize our destination was only known to the boys.

"I know girl I'm with you" Silver says and glares at them. I pull my hand out of his and walk with Silver.

"I feel like they're mad at us" says Ethan and Lucifer nods, his eyes on me.

A car sat waiting outside so we all get in. And Lucifer sneaks an arm around my shoulder. I give in and lay my head on his shoulder, looking out the window.

I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew Lucifer was talking to me. "Angel" he says shaking me and I realize my head had fallen onto his lap.

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