The plan

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His face ripples with disgust "He talks about a dead she-wolf when he was blessed with a beautiful second mate" he says and I smile.

"I knew you'd understand. You see we both have been wronged by Lucifer" I say my heart dropping to the ground but it was a part I had to play.

I lay my head on his shoulder and he tenses before leaning back on the bedframe.

"It has been far to long since I have felt a women's touch" Enzo says his hand touching my arm. A burning trail was left behind and took every ounce of my will power not to punch him for touching me.

Instead I bite the inside of my cheek and close my eyes leaning forward, "enjoying" his touch. His hand lays on my cheek before its snapped to the side.

His teeth nip at my marking spot and his nose sniffs. " I see you and Lucifer completed the mating bond" he says throwing my head back, his hand falling to the side.

"Only because he forced me. I don't love that cold-hearted man, and I never will" I say planting the seed in his mind.

The smile comes after set me off guard but I keep my face emotionless. "Well, little vixen, the cards have just fallen into place" he says and I nod.

His lips smash down on mine and I blink astonished before I straighten up and put my arms around his shoulders pulling him forward.

I could just kill him now, I think to myself but soon abandon that idea. I was still to weak to challenge him.

Enzo pulls back from the kiss and looks at me. "Lets go show Lucifer what he's missing" he says and I laugh, it coming out cold and calculated.

I pretend to happily skip down the stairs and Enzo laughs at my play-fullness.

I come to a stop when I realize Lucifer was chained back up but the chains were thicker, and there was so many more. My eyes tear up for the pain my mate was filling.

I hide it from Enzo and offer him a cold smile. Enzo looks at Lucifer and smiles before burying his hands deep in my hair and yanking my head forward. My lips meet his and I fight my will to break his neck.

I push my arms around his neck and lock my legs around his toned waist. His hands hold up my legs and I pull away laying my head on his shoulder.

Lucifer's eyes are angry and I wink at him, and he understands instantly what I was playing at.

He yanks against the chains, snarling before winking at me. His face soon turns angry when Enzo looks at him. He tosses his head back and laughs. I laugh along with Enzo and my throat hurt with the effort.

I could never do this for real to Lucifer, it hurt to much now to even think about it. Enzo carries me back upstairs and my eyes bore into Lucifer's. "I love you" I mouth and he does the same and my heart soars.

I'm tossed onto the bed and bounce but Enzo's hands hold my wrists. His lips trail down my neck and I hold back the wince.  "I could end your suffering, mark you as mine" he says kissing Lucifer's mark and I tense.

"But don't you have to be my mate to do so?" I ask and he chuckles.

"No little vixen a wolf can mark another female, over her mark from a mate. One little bite and you can be mine for the rest of time."

I shiver and say " I would love that, but wait until Lucifer is at his strongest. Mark me when you know it'll hurt him."

"Hmm, I like the way that little brain of yours works.  Don't worry, vixen, the day I mark you will be the day I will do it in front of Lucifer, now is not the time."

I sigh in relief and he smiles slightly "Can hardly wait, can you?" He asks, I smile and brush my lips against his.

"I'm hungry, my love" I say and his cold fingers brush my cheekbones. He kisses my neck once more and he gets off.

"Let's go little vixen." He says offering me his hand. I slide my hand in his and we go back down the stairs.

"Have to keep my little vixen fed, don't I?" He snarls at Lucifer.

He doesn't wait for an answer but moves toward Lucifer. "Come on love, I'm hungry" I whine pouting.

"Okay, my little one" he says and smiles brightly at Lucifer before leading me to the kitchen.

Enzo pulls things out of the cabinet, his face void of any emotion. He sets a plate in front of me and smiles. "Thank you" I say and I really meant it. I mean this guy was heartbroken over loosing his mate, and was only getting revenge on what he thought was Lucifer's fault.

But for Lucifer's sake I had to do something, there was no way in hell I would let Enzo mark me. Letting him believe that I would was the key to getting out of this place, the key to releasing Lucifer. I had to gain his trust, and then murder him.

My eyes roam around the room before they focus back on Enzo. His eyes not once waver from me, how the hell was I going to get out. My Luna blood pulses through me, a rush of confidence pulls my thoughts to another direction.

I will get out of here, and Enzo better look out.

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