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I wake up yawning and Lucifer had his head tipped back on the back of the sofa, his face peaceful. The scar bright on his pale face.

I lean forward and kiss his lips softly and he smiles against my mouth and pulls me toward him.

He opens his eyes and the clear green eye looks openly at me while the other stares strangely ahead, I had never really noticed that.

"You hungry?" He asks, hands touching my bare waist. The feeling of his hands sent warm tingles up my body and I shiver against him.

"Yes" I say and he helps me up handing me crutches. I balance them under my under arms and start to walk.

"Hold on, mi amor" he says and I stop waiting for him.

"Shouldn't I get dressed first?" I ask and his eyes travel down my body and then he nods.

I go into the bathroom and change into a dress because I had a hard time putting on pants.

I go out using my crutches and Lucifer had his back to me, and was digging through his dresser looking for a shirt.
My mouth falls open as I see a tattoo of angel wings on his back and it looks amazing.

I come up behind and he turns looking at me. "When did you get this?" I ask my hands sliding down his back and to his muscled arms, following the path of the tattoo.

"A long time ago" he answers shivering from my touch.

He pulls on his shirt and helps me walk down the stairs. The cafeteria was filled with students and they turn and stare.
I look up at Lucifer but his stare was straight ahead, his jaw clenching.

He sits me down in a chair and leaves to go get a plate for me. Whispers fill the air and my face reddens.

Lucifer comes back with a plate that is heaped with food but stops and looks around. "If you all know what's best for you, you'd look away from my mate and I right now" he growls out his alphaness making people's head fall without their consent.

He sits the plate down infront of me and makes one simple command "Eat."

Not needing to be told twice I shovel food into my mouth and he chuckles. He takes some food from my plate and puts it into his mouth chewing thoughtfully.

A guard slams through the door his eyes glazed over, "Alpha, the northern pack lands are invading our territory, we are being ambushed as we speak."

Lucifer lets out a roar that has the room shaking and as he stands the table flying through the air, crashing. Sending wolves in all directions.

I look up and I hate to admit but a older man that was kinda hot stood there and Lucifer was snarling angrily.

I look up and I hate to admit but a older man that was kinda hot stood there and Lucifer was snarling angrily

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"Lucifer what a quaint little kingdom you have here" he says glancing around. He descends toward Lucifer with long strides.

"Oh I am so sorry I have not introduced myself to this lovely young lady" the man says and Lucifer's eyes darken, he lets out a deep growl.

The man takes my hand in his and brings it to his lips in a kiss. My eyes are glued to this man. Lucifer comes up beside me and pulls my hand away, well more like yanks.

The trance is broken and I blink unsure what just happened. "Didn't mother ever tell you to share" the man says crossing his arms.

My eyebrows scrunch together as he says mother and I look at Lucifer who was none to happy.

"I WILL NOT SHARE WHAT IS MINE. SHE IS MINE, MINE, MINE." Lucifer snarls shoving me into his chest and I wince as my leg comes in contact with the floor, the chair crashing to the side.

"That's not very kind of you brother, seeing as how I'm older" he says his eyes traveling down my body.

"Stay the fuck away from my mate, Xavier. I will not tell you again." Lucifer says shoving me behind him with one push of his arm.

I grip his shirt trying to keep my balance. It was quiet and I wondered why it had suddenly gotten so quiet.

I peek over his shoulder and Xavier's eyes shoot up to mine and he winks. Lucifer snarls and lunges forward sending me tumbling to the ground. I hit the floor and wince as unbearable pain shoots up my leg and I let out a whimper

Lucifer was to fixated on Xavier to notice. Saratine comes up beside me and a dazzling blue light surrounds me before I am floating above the ground.

I move with her fingers as she points them toward the door, and I fly up the stairs away from the scene that broke out.

Shouts and crashing has me looking down the stairs my body still trapped in the glowing blue light. I hope that Lucifer does not get hurt, and a small part of me wanted Xavier to be okay as well.

I growl at myself as I think about Xavier, he was not my mate. But there was something about him, I felt a certain tug when he touched my hand.

A howl downstairs has me gasping in a breath and a giant tan colored wolf lumbers up the stairs. The scar on his face makes me know it was Lucifer.

A wolfish grin sat on his face, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. His wet nose nudges my hand and I slide out of the blue light and wrap my arms around his burly neck.

I feel something wet slide up my face and I growl annoyed when I knew he had licked me. "Lucifer" I giggle and push his face away.

He flips over onto his back and wiggles on the floor, scratching his back. My hand slides over his smooth soft stomach and he purrs happily laying his head on my lap.

I lay my head on his furry head and sigh happily.

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