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I could hear her suffering, feel her pain. The mere thought of Enzo touching her made my wolf whimper in agony. I knew Enzo wanted me to feel the pain I had left him when I killed Kerra, his mate.

I never intentionally killed his mate, I just couldn't save her and it made Enzo loathe me. The pain of her was terrorizing my head and I couldn't stop my wolf from pulling on the chains. I hiss every time the silver bites into my wrist.


His eyes were closed and I knew he had fallen asleep. He was stupid to fall asleep on the same bed as me.

I was still weak from the pain he had inflicted on me and the silver wasn't doing much to help. I glare at him and in my mind painting all the gleeful ways I could kill him. Of course after I get myself and Lucifer out of these damn chains.

I lean weakly against the bedpost and my eyes shut unwillingly.

Something touches my foot and I jump a foot in the air, my head hitting hard on the bedpost.

Enzo was leaning over me his eyes glittering mischievously. "Time for you to go see your little mate, little vixen. " He says and my wolf howls happily.

"But since your little werewolf is weak I want to put some bruises on that pretty face of yours" he snarls and I growl lowly.

His fists connect with my face and I whimper pulling into myself but he had put chains on my ankles to make that impossible.

I soon knew I looked just as bad as I felt. He chuckles gleefully and unhooks the chain, hooking my arm over his shoulders and hefting me down the stairs.

I feel myself being put on a chair and my body slumps forward my eyes fluttering. A needle is punctured threw my neck and I realized it was silver.

It burned through my veins and I was to weak to do much about it. My wolf was fluttering on the edge of existence. I was in pain, fire erupting through my veins. My throat was to sore to scream.

My eyes flutter but I can see Lucifer is face angered beyond anything I had ever seen him before. His chest was heaving, his eyes no longer his own.

The chains groans as he pulls against them, his bare chest glittering with sweat.

I hear snarls come from him and with one final yank of the chain he lunges at Enzo, the chains snapping with the strength.

Lucifer's wolf was beautiful, an avenging angel. I watch him tackle a very surprised Enzo. And with as much strength as I can I smile.

My body shuts down and I slump forward, before I feel myself tip sideways falling off the chair.

A beautiful women made her way to me and somehow she felt familiar.
Her hair was golden locks, her eyes the color of violets. I finally remember her as Lucifer's Alison. My heart pounds in my chest as she makes her way toward me. "You can not die on him" she whispers to me and I nod my body surrounded in a golden glow.

I gasp awake taking in all the air I could get, rubbing my neck. Enzo stood over me his eyes unreadable.

"Where's Lucifer?" I ask scared to even ask.

"Back where he belongs, chained up" he says and I'm angry.

"How dare you" I hiss "Who are you and why are you doing this?"

"Well, little vixen, that is a very long story. So if I where you I'd get very comfortable" he mumbles taking a seat on the side of the bed.

"Lucifer and I grew up together in the the northern pack. His dad was my mentor as well as his, so you see there was some competition. I found my mate Kerra when I was 18 and Lucifer couldn't stand it. A pack of rouges hunting together went into our land while Kerra and I was taking a walk. We were outnumbered by 7 to 2. Lucifer heard my howls when they attacked but by time he came Kerra was gone, it was his fault that I couldn't save Kerra. He will feel the pain I felt when I lost Kerra." He says.

"But he already lost Alison." I say.

"Yes but that was by no fault of mine" he growls out.

"But he still feels the pain you do, everyday, I can see it when he looks at me." I say. It hurt but it was the truth.

"He will feel the pain I feel by my hand. Even, little vixen, if it means you will cease to exist" he seethes and leaves slamming the door.

Saratine comes in and I can't help but gasp. "Saratine help me" I plead but she doesn't look at me.

She sets down a plate "Saratine?" I say and her blue eyes finally meet mine. I scream as I see her lips were sewn together.

She looks down and leaves without a glance back at me. I feel bad for screaming when I saw her. I sink back into the bed and lay there starring up at the ceiling I had to come up with a plan.

Enzo comes back whistling, a glass and a bottle of amber liquid clasped in one hand. I stare at him and smile.

"Can I have some?" I ask and he nods pouring a glass. He brings it and puts it up to my lips and I drink it, burning all the way down.

"I'm sorry for Lucifer he can be an idiot." I say and Enzo's eyes meet mine, 2 glittering orbs full of hate.

"Why do you say that?" He asks seriously parking himself right next to me. I swallow my pride and bat my eyes at him.

"Lucifer was stupid not to save Kerra. And I hope he get what he deserves downstairs. All he cares to talk about is Alison, Alison, Alison."

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