Roller Skating

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I stare down at the pair of skates he had sat infront of me. "One problem, I don't know how to skate" I say.

"That's okay. That only gives me a reason to hold you tighter." Lucifer says bending down and tying my roller skates.

He helps me up and my legs roll back and forth and Lucifer chuckles holding both my hands to keep me steady.

He pulls me out onto the rink and I watch jealously as both Silver and Ethan skate past holding hands.

"I'm sorry" I say and he shakes his head.

"Don't be, mi amor" he says and I smile up at him. A loud ring cuts through the chat and Lucifer lets go off my hands and answers the phone.

"Hello?" He says and I can hear shouting on the other end.

"Wow Sarantine calm down. What's going on?" He listens for a second before he shuts the phone and is hurrying out of the ring.

"We have to go" he calls to Ethan and they rush outside. I follow ripping off the skates and tossing them as I run.

"Lucifer" I shout. An angry snarls rips through his chest and he turns.

"This is your fault. If you never would have come into my life I would have complete control over my pack. But because of you I am here while my pack is being attacked."

I blink startled and I realize Lucifer was serious and tears form in my eyes.

"What?" I ask and he snarls.

"Are you deaf? You know what get in the fucking car and lets go, I have to go save my pack."

"No" I say crossing my arms, tears still rolling down my face.

"I'm not putting up with this shit, you get in this car or I'm leaving you here"

I trudge to the car door angrily and slam it shut.

Lucifer slams on the gas and we are flying down the road. I wipe angrily at my tears, I would never forgive him for this, ever.

The car ride was tense and the tension was sparking.

Suddenly the car swerves and its swooping through the air and lands upside down.

I cough and try to get the door open, it swings open but my leg is jammed. My hearing is knocked off guard and all I hear is a loud buzzing noise.

"Scarlett" I hear someone call and I see Silver, Lucifer, and Ethan out of the car.

"Scarlett?" Lucifer says and I try pulling my leg out and I scream as pain jolts through it. Flames lick the top of the car and Lucifer sees me, his eyes going wild.

"Lucifer the cars gonna blow" says Ethan pulling his arm.

"We have to get Scarlett" Lucifer calls pulling against Ethan.

I cough and I turn into my wolf form and jump popping my leg out and diving out of the car as it exploded.

"SCARLETT" yells Lucifer and I hear the pain in his voice.

I cough breathing in the fresh air as I change in my human form.

"Scarlett?" Says Lucifer and he steps on the other side of the burning car.

His legs fall to the ground beside me and he's taking off his jacket zipping it over my naked, soot covered body.

He lifts me up and I see my leg that had been stuck, bent in an odd shape and I cry burying my face in his chest.

"I'm so sorry, I should have never taken my anger out on you. I thought I lost you and that's something I never wanna feel again" he says and I look up at him.

"The pack" I say and Lucifer's eyes darken.

"Ethan take her, I have rouges to take care off" he says handing me over and shifting before running off.

Silver watches me as we walk toward the chaotic pack house. Rouges lay in a bloody mess at Lucifer's feet and I feel pride swell in my chest. That was my mate.

Lucifer had blood on his face as he takes me from Ethan and he runs up the stairs.

"It's okay Lucifer" I say putting a hand on his cheek and he slows his pace.

"I can't forgive myself, it was because of me that your hurt" he says and he stares forward as he makes his way toward the pack doctor.

The kicks the door in and the poor doctor jumps a foot in the air and is scared out of his wits.

His hands shake as he checks my foot and Lucifer paces the floor and I role my eyes.

"Lucifer have a seat" I say crossing my arms. And he does starring me down.

"The good news is its just a sprain, the bad news is she needs to be off her feet for a few days until her werewolf genes heal it."

I sigh and thank the doctor and he leaves Lucifer and I alone. "Are you okay" I ask as he rubs his face angrily.

"Where did I go wrong?" he asks starring up at the ceiling "Goddess why'd you hurt my mate, I deserve to be the one hurt not her. Not another of my mates" he says and for the first time Lucifer cries.

I stare at him his pain making me cry as well. He looks up at me and he moves across the room to me. He lifts me up, sits, and pulls me into his lap.

He lays his head on mine and I bury my face into his neck, my leg propped on the armchair of the sofa. "I love you, angel" he says.

"I love you, too" and I love the sound of it. A soft purring sound had me glancing up and Lucifer was the one making the noise.

Love swells through me and I tuck myself back into his neck and I find myself purring as well.

"I don't ever want to loose you" he whispers.

"You won't" I say back and he pulls me closer. For the second time I fall asleep in my mate's arms.

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