The Mating Ceremony

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The dress she is wearing during the Ceremony.

Lucifer was more happier than he has been in days. Xavier was staying in our lands as long as he obeyed Lucifer's laws.

The Mating Ceremony was coming up soon and Lucifer had taken the lead to make sure the ceremony was correctly put together. It was his job as an alpha, there could only be one alpha.

I look out the window, watching Lucifer as he directed where to put everything. "Scarlett you know your not suppose to be watching." Says Saratine.

I sigh turning away from the window. I had not seen Lucifer for 3 days. Mates were not suppose to see each other until the end of the Ceremony. My wolf was dying to see Lucifer.

The reason for the ceremony was that we had to mate on a solar eclipse to ensure that I would have a pup for the heir. Today was the solar eclipse, as the moon shone red, the ceremony would began.

I was nervous starring at the dress that sat in the far corner of the room. My eyes kept darting to the window and the clock on the wall. 3 hours until the eclipse would happen.

Saratine walks in with a tray of food and lays it down. "You have to eat Scarlett." She says picking up the tray from lunchtime.

"I'm to nervous to eat" I say pacing, my leg had been healed 2 days ago.

"Well Alpha does not like his mate skinny" Saratine says winking and I groan.

"Fine" I say taking a seat and starting to eat rather slowly. The clock ticks by, my leg moving each tick and 2 girls rush in.

"Time to get you ready" one says excitedly and my arm is grabbed and I'm pushed behind a curtain.

The dress was a magnificent white, sparkles trailing down to the waist.

I step out and they start on my makeup and hair.

I step out and they start on my makeup and hair

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I stare in the mirror at myself and can't believe the women starring back at me, is me

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I stare in the mirror at myself and can't believe the women starring back at me, is me.

One of the girls brings a pillow forward and I sit up to see what was on it. A head piece lays in it and my breath catches.

This was Lucifer's family head piece

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This was Lucifer's family head piece. Every female in his family, all the way back to his ancestors wore the same piece to be worn during the ceremony. And would be past down to our children for as long as it lasts.

They lay it gently on my head and the cold pieces on the back, touches my back sending a shiver through me. Suddenly the clock strikes 9 and a magnificent red glow fills the room.

"It is time" says a voice and I turn, the medicine women stood there smiling.

I nod and approach her and she smiles taking my arm. The outside goes quiet as I step through, a beaded curtain lay between me, Lucifer, and the priest.

I step through and Lucifer's eyes widen. "You look beautiful" he says his chest heaving, his eyes turning darker.

The priest joins our right hands to our sides tightly joined, Lucifer's fingers intertwining with mine. I can't help but stare at him as he looks up at the priest, who binds our hand with rope and he clears his throat.

"This rope may not be broken until after the consummation of the ceremony. The solar eclipse is high and the luna shall be ready to conseve and The Southern Pack shall have the next heir for the Alpha." ( a little side note. Alphas and lunas only ever have males. All the rest of the wolves had a fair chance of males or females. So there is always a male to be the alpha next in line).

"As the red moon sinks low the rope will break and the time to conseve will be over and the Luna will be barren if it is not done. So for no further ado please step up to your chambers and begin the process" he says and Lucifer leads me toward the castle.

The rope pulled tight against our hands as he walks his eyes glancing back at me. The door shuts behind us and Lucifer's dark eyes glitter in the darkness.

I yip as he growls shoving me against the wall. "You don't know how much I've missed seeing you" he says his lips descending on his mark on my neck.

Fire courses through my body and his touch was addicting. I hear a ripping noise and I realize he had ripped the dress all the way down the back with a sharp claw.

I watch as it falls to the ground and Lucifer's lips are on mine, his hand undoes the buttons on his shirt and with a snarl rips it off.

"Damn rope" he says before he's kissing me again. His bare chest was warm as he pulls my waist closer to his. The bed dips low as he lays me down and the alpha takes over.


I lay my head down on his chest and he kisses my forehead. The rope had long ago been pulled off when the mating process had finished.

I smile tiredly and my eyes close and I'm pulled closer as I fall asleep. I wake up and Lucifer is gone and I get up clutching the bed sheet to me and go into the closet pulling on pants and one of Lucifer's t-shirts, throwing my hair into a messy bun.

I walk down the stairs my bare feet padding softly against the floor. A crash has me running down the hallway and a sight I never wanted to see lay ahead of me.

Lucifer was hung from the wall and big burly wolves stood around him. I back against the wall and my breathing hitches.

"Smell that boss, I think a female has graced us with her presence."
"Find her" a man snaps

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