8 | The Call and The Argument

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Listen to video when you get to the lyric part.

*Blue's POV*

                A week later, I had just taken my summative test and I got... A D-.

"Blue, you and Chase have been working on this, haven't you?" The teacher had asked. I was able to get out of it by sort-of lying and saying that we had been studying every day which was partially the truth. Most of the studying involved me getting frustrated with Chase, us getting into 'adorable' arguments, and eventually I would slam the books and run out before they could catch me.

Chase can't stop me. He can't break me.

I will run for as long as I want. He and his strangely nice siblings can keep chasing me for as long as they want, I won't slow down.

"Well, I want you to show this grade to him. You need to work harder, Blue, or else I will have to call your mother." She slid the paper towards me and I reluctantly shoved it into my bag.

"That won't be necessary, Miss. I'll have a B average by the end of this month, I promise." I held up one hand in an I-Swear sort of way, but the hand behind my back crossed the pointer and middle finger. Oops.

  She let me go and I was wandering the hallways when Leo grabbed my wrist and whirled me into their circle. They seemed to be doing this daily now.

"Chase, I got a D-. Keep the paper. And go hide in the woods." Chase narrowed his eyes at me as I handed him the inky paper. Bree looked at me sadly and Adam didn't seem to mind, Leo was looking off in the other direction.

"Blue, can I talk to you in private?" Chase asked, after examining my paper. I groaned and followed him into an empty hallway, away from the others.

He held up my paper in front of my face, the red D blurring. "Seriously, Blue? I thought we'd covered this."

"If by covering you mean me slamming books and you shooting problems at me like a tennis ball machine, then yes. We did cover it." I didn't even smile. I just stared straight into his hazel eyes. And he stared straight back into my magenta ones.

"You just love sarcasm don't you? It may not seem like it, but I'm trying to help you, Blue. I do care about you and I care about your grades. Your teachers didn't want me to tell you this but if your grades don't get high enough you'll have to stay back a grade. Do you know how much of an impact that will cause on your career? You don't even have any interests, you aren't even TRYING, Blue!"

Something inside me just burst and I burst forward, stabbing a finger at his chest, my voice deep with a threatening tone that scared me. "I AM trying, Chase. I'm trying really hard to figure all this out but you don't know me. You don't know how hard it is for me to get all this. It's not easy though with you sitting there trying to help me and me wishing you would start choking on oxygen. And I do have interests but no ones ever bothered to ask about them, you jerk!"

                      His surprised features made me suddenly realize how close we were. Our lips were only inches apart. I took a small step back and looked down at my hands.

                    "Can you please... Get hit by a bus or something?" I started laughing, somehow finding this whole situation funny. And before I knew it, Chase was laughing along with me. So we got into an argument. But it seemed like it was doing okay right now, but I made a silent post-it note in the back of my mind that if I didn't start trying to not fail the tests that I would be held back a grade. Not that mom would notice.

                     No one even knew my secret passion. Singing. And I was so not gonna tell it to these Davenports. "I'm sorry." Chase said slowly, looking back up at me.

                    "I..." I hesitated, "forgive you. And I feel bad about it."

He smiled at me and I started to feel something I had never felt before. Butterflies. Stop it, I screamed. Go away!

                    "Look, how about we try to actually start studying from now on?"

     "Sounds good to me," I smirked, "and besides. If I got held back a grade, you would miss me too much." And with that, I casually walked into the direction opposite of my next class.


*Blue's POV*

                    At home, locked safely in my room, I pulled out my keyboard and my iPod to make sure I hit the music notes right. Stretching my fingers across the glossy black and white keys, I hit each one at a time, slowly but building up speed, as I entered into my dream world and began singing the opening of Regina Spektor's 'The Call'.

                    "It started out as a feeling
                     Which then grew into a hope
                     Which then turned into a quiet thought
                     Which then turned into a quiet word
                     And then that word grew louder and louder
                  Until it was a battle cry
                    I'll come back
                    When you call me
                  No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can try to do is know who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
  When it's over
No need to say goodbye
  You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say goodbye

Now we're back at the beginning
  It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
  Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
  Until they're before your eyes

You'll come back
  When they call you
  No need to say goodbye
  You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye..."

My voice was loud, clear, and beautiful. After congratulating myself on holding up enough courage to sing even to myself, I couldn't help but wonder if the reason why I picked this song didn't only have to do with the beat. Maybe the lyrics meant more to me than I was letting on...

But that's just silly... I don't feel that way about Chase.... He's just my tutor and my annoying fiend... I don't think anything of him....but what if I'm telling myself lies?

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