26 | Pink Ooze

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*Blue's POV* (---video above---- you. Are. So. Welcome.)

              Sometimes people make mistakes. Some more stupider than others. Like that one dude who decided that it would be a good idea to get involved in an emotionally unstable girl's life, or the guy who sat on a park bench that a pigeon had just pooped on, or maybe asking a creepy guy who looks like a walking outlet if he had ever tried Match.com to find a single lady who might want to help him to not be such an evil outlet man?

              Let me just tell you this; you try to be nice to the darn man and what does he do? Puts you in a giant glass tank and tries to drown you while he tries to kill your only family and one true love- NOPE. NOPE. THIS LADY DON'T NEED NO LOVER.


Oh, and Keith? S2? You know what? That butthole is going to wake up tomorrow with a face full of rat crap. Oh yeah, I went there.

              So, you probably want some details on what exactly happened back there, after the whole blackout thing. Yeah, those tubes were full of some sort of pink ooze that did something to my eyes. I overheard Krane and Keith in my sleep talking about dilating my eyes to be able to see the writing better, but how does that make any sense?

              Anyway, once I woke up, I was lying on a pretty decent sized tile floor. My head was throbbing as I tried to stand up. That pink ooze, which, I'm pretty sure had a different effect than what they wanted it to have on me, was way more strong than I had suspected.

Letting out a low groan, I forced my shaky figure up into a standing position, trying to see what was going on before me.

Now, you have to remember, I was on that pink stuff this entire time, so everything was a giant blur to me. I remember seeing a bunch of fuzzy figures standing around, crouched into what looked like karate positions. WAIT. Karate positions, skinny and fuzzy figures, buzzed hair... Oh, it was just the Davenports.

              Anyways, my vision cleared for a moment, and once the realization hit, my brain told my legs to race towards them. Chase was there, Bree was there, they were all there, they were here to help me.

              The glass was incredibly see through, so when I ran forward, you can guess what happened next. My forehead collided with the glass first, sending my body flying back to strike against the other side of the glass. A loud thudding noise echoed through the building, catching the attention of the others in the room.

"Blue!" I remember hearing Chase's horrified tone as he watched my head loll to the side at an unnatural angle. He had never seen me in such a crazed state as he did now. "What did you do to her?" His snarled tone earned him a blow from Krane, sending him flying into Adam.

That was when the scary thing happened. A loud clang sounded out through the glass compartment I was in, and when I opened my eyes again to look, through my gazed vision I was able to make out what looked like a giant faucet, minus the handle. Seconds later, clear, ice cold, crystal water began tumbling through into the compartment. And it was filling up fast. For in the first few minutes, while the rest of them were fighting for my life, the water had risen to my waist.

I had still been laying on the floor, though, as everything was still so... Really furry. The cold water brushing up against my bare skin and pooling into my shoes, suffocating my feet and stomach, caused me to loose feeling in the waist down in a matter of seconds.

I felt a laugh form in my gut, and make its way through my throat, and bursting out of my mouth, filling the compartment I was trapped in with one of the most sickest sounding laughs I have ever heard.

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