13 | Sick

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*Blue's POV*

               Chase unlocked his capsule and helped me out. It was the worst feeling ever but also the best because he was caring enough to help me and the worst because I had a huge headache. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out, putting his other hand on the small of my back as I jumped down from the steps.

I looked up at him, and almost killed myself. I looked into his eyes. That's rule No. 1! NEVER look into a guy's eyes when you don't want him to know how you feel! His eyes were a liquid hazel, swimming with emotions. A lot of caring and compassion and worry was written in the golden flecks shining throughout the browner amber colors. Why was he worried? Was he worried about me?

                "Y-you want to talk? 'Bout what?" I asked, trying to act cool, but wrenched my hand away from Chase and lifted myself up onto one of the consoles. Chase followed me and stood in front of me, his eyes on the floor.

              "Yeah, I do... I... I wanted to apolo-"

              "You don't need to apologize, Chase." I interrupted, wanting to ask him for an ice pack for my head, which was throbbing. Chase's eyes lightened up and I almost stopped my mouth from opening.


               "Yeah. I get it. Savannah is better than me, I understand that. You don't need to wait around for me, or pity me. I'm not a stupid toy, you know. I have feelings." I didn't snap at him. I just simply stated it, and tilted my head down to avoid any sudden eye contact. Lifting myself up, I tossed myself off of the console and walked past Chase to one of the corners and folded my arms across my chest. I felt tears spring into my eyes, but I just blinked them away, hoping that maybe my feelings for him would disappear with the saltwater.

They didn't. "Blue, please, just listen to-"

"Why should I listen to you?" I asked, rubbing my temples with my pointer and middle finger. I didn't dare turn around, too scared to see the hurt in his eyes. "You're the one who asked me to go with you to the dance, then when some perfect, dreamlike girl asks you out, no, actually tells you that you're going to the dance with her, you completely forget about the one who was looking forward to going with you! You just completely forget about me and stand me up at the dance, like I'm not even there. Or am I just invisible to you? Oh, and to everyone else but Bree, who, no offense, isn't any help at all. So, answer my question, why should I listen to you? For all I know, you could be lying."

I had switched to standing so close to Chase that our noses almost touched.
I expected him to seem nervous and upset, but he was unruffled. He just smiled down at me, (he was a little taller than me) and let out a short laugh, examining my lips, my locked up eyes, my hair, my nose, me. He was examining me as if I were some sort of complicated puzzle that he couldn't quite figure out how to solve.

Guess I really am a broken puzzle.

You can sit there for hours under the hazy glow of your lamps in the living room, trying desperately to fit random pieces together in hopes they'll fit, but it's impossible. Im impossible. Unreadable. The pieces will never completely fit, there is always one piece missing or one little edge that refuses to fit in with the rest. One little piece, and everything comes tumbling down.

But, if that was the case, then why did I feel like Chase understood? Him just standing there, smiling down at me, watching me, made me feel safe. Safe with him. Like he understood how hard it was for me, and what changed me to be this way and why. My mouth opened slightly as I gazed up into his welcoming hazel eyes only to lock eye contact. Of course, I broke the rule again. But this time... I didn't really care.

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