The Wedding

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"Lydia. Are you okay?" Luke asked as I came out of the bathroom after throwing up for the second time just this morning.

"Yeah but I have no idea want wrong with me, I can't stop throwing up and I feel so tired and I keep getting dizzy and-" I said as the realization finally hit and my eyes popped wide open.

"What?" Luke asked.

"N-nothing. I'm feeling a lot better. I'm gonna get going to your dad's house, I'll see you at the church." I said, I wanted to make sure that I was right about what I was suspecting before I told him anything.

"Are you sure?" He said.

"Yes. I love you." I said and gave him a kiss. "I'll see you later." I said and I took Evelyn with me and we left to Luke's dad's house. I promised Sofia that I would go and help her get ready. I stopped at Walgreens and bought what I needed to know if I was right before I got to the house. When I got to the house Amelia was already there and I told them what I was suspecting. The three of us went up to Sofia's room and I peed on the stick.

"I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out." I said coming out of the bathroom and Sofia and Amelia were sitting on Sofia's bed.

"Well, a lot has been going on so it's understandable." Sofia said.

"I just hope that Luke will be okay with it. I mean we never really talked about when we'd want to start having more kids and-"

"Lydia. I'm sure he'll be very happy about it." Amelia said and smiled at me.

"How much time is left?" Sofia asked eagerly

"1 minute." I said.

"Don't worry, my brother always talked about wanting to have 5 or 6 kids with you, he'll love the news." Sofia said after a pause as she saw the worried look on my face and the beeper went off.

"Times up." Amelia said and my heart skipped a beat.

"No. You look at it, I can't." I said handing her the stick. She took it and looked at it but her face remained expressionless and she didn't say anything.

"Amelia." I said impatiently and she stood up from the bed.

"Breath and calm down, it's not good for the baby for you to be stressed out." She said with a smiled and I finally let a breath out.

"I'm pregnant?"

"You're pregnant!" She said and hugged me, the Sofia joined in the hug.

"I'm gonna be an aunt again!" Sofia said happily and tears of joy fell down my cheeks.

"And stop worrying about Luke, he's going to be really happy about this." Amelia said reassuring me and I laughed.

"When are you going to tell him?" Sofia asked.

"After the wedding. Today is your day, so don't tell anyone for now." I said and they agreed to keep it between us for now. We all got ready and it was finally time for the wedding to start. When we got to the church we went into the side room and waited until it was time for the ceremony to begin. We were sitting there waiting when we heard a knock on the door and I went to open the door.

"Wow!" Luke said the moment he laid eyes on me and I blushed. To this day he still makes me blush when he compliments me. "You look beautiful." He said and kissed me.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I said when we stopped kissing. "Come on in." I said letting him pass.

"My baby sis is all grown up." Luke said walking towards Sofia and he hugged her. "You look like the princess that you are." He said.

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