The End

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A/N: Sorry I'm so terrible at updating!! I've been really stressed and sick lately, it's hard to keep up with everything. I have a bunch of tests coming up and it's really getting to me. Anywho, enjoy the last chapter to this series! (Yes, I'll make more in the future)

Karkat's POV
Death is inevitable. It's something that everyone eventually has to conquer, whether it's them or a loved one. We all have trouble with dealing with death, not knowing what's waiting for us after. We don't know if we'll be at eternal piece or everlasting torture. But, why must death come so soon for some? Why must we watch the ones we care about die on a hospital bed? The words "I love you" barely escaping their mouth.
Time slowed down for me as I heard Rose over the phone.


   "Karkat?? Is that you??" It's Rose. She's sounds worried.

   "Yes. Is everything alright? Are you ok? What's going on?" I start to hear her crying through the phone.

   "Karkat...It's Dave..." The worry is forming yet again in the pit of my stomach.

   "What about Dave?? Is he ok?? What happened to him?? Rose, let me speak to him."

   "He was in an accident."

   "What do you mean 'he was in an accident'? Is he okay? Where is he? Rose, why aren't you talking?"

   "Karkat, Dave was sent to the hospital. Please go right now. He needs you. He was begging for you."

   After that, I immediately rushed over to the hospital. I didn't care what happened, I needed to know that Dave was okay. I didn't care about anything else in that moment. I sprinted to the hospital and burst through the doors. I caught my breath for a mere second before going up to the lady at the counter and asking where Dave was. She told me the number to his room and I, yet again, sprinted up to his room. I entered the room, not caring what was on the other side. There in the hospital bed laid Dave, completely messed up. I went up to him, tears streaming down my face, and gave him the biggest hug ever imaginable. He tried to hug me back, but he could barely move.

   After about 10 minutes of us hugging and not saying one word, the doctor said I should come out and talk to him. I followed the doctor out of the room to hear what he had to say.

   "I'm so sorry, Mr. Vantas, but Dave will sadly not make it. He's in too severe of condition to live on. We are allowing you, and any family members, to stay with him for his last hours. I'm very, truly sorry." I couldn't help but start balling my eyes out. Dave, the only love of my life, was dying. I couldn't do anything about it but watch him as he nears his end.

   I walked back into the room and held Dave in my arms again. I whispered countless things into his ears, not even knowing what I was saying. It didn't matter though, whatever I said was proven to be pointless. I never stopped crying. Not once. Rose and Kanaya eventually visited for about 30 minutes, but Rose could not bear to see her brother in such dire condition, that she fled the building. Dave and I talked about all of the great times we had together.

   Throughout all of this, Dave, the one who was dying, was reassuring me that I would be okay. He was telling me that things happen that we can't control. He never stopped talking about how much I meant to him. It hurt me a lot. I don't know what I'm going to do without him. I won't be able to live on my own. I'll go right back into my depression. I know it's stupid, but I rely too much on Dave. It's unhealthy. Seeing him die is eating away at me, and I'm falling into that dark oblivion. I stare at Dave, tears still streaming down my face.

   "Dave...Dave, I love you. I love you so much. I'm so sorry. I love love love you."

   "I...I l-love you too...Kar....Karkat...."

   "Dave? Dave?? DAVE!"

   His heart rate started to speed up.

   "C'mon, Dave! It'll be okay! We'll be okay! We can figure this out! Please don't leave me! Please wake up, Dave!"

   It fell dead silent, only the long buzz ringing through my ear.

   It's been a few weeks since Dave passed away. I've never felt more miserable in my entire life. I've went back into terrible depression, and I haven't shown my face ever since. People insist that I come out of my room, but I always refuse. It's too hard for me to deal with. I don't want to deal with it. Watching the one you love die right before your eyes, makes you never want to live to see another day. I haven't been able to sleep or eat. Everything reminds me of him, and it doesn't help that I still live in his apartment with his brother.

   I sat on my bed, pills in hand. I know Dave wouldn't want this, but he's not here anymore. He left me all alone. He made me fend for myself when he knew I couldn't. I poured pills out onto the palm of my hand. I quickly shoved them all into my mouth and swallowed hard. Everything went black.

   Suddenly, I was in the bathroom puking up all of the pills. Someone had forced me to puke them out. I looked up and saw Dirk standing over me.

   "You think that I'd let you do this?? I saw how much you were hitting, I knew what you were going to do. I know you too well now. But, you're not the only one suffering! We all are. Hell, I raised Dave and watched him grow. I saw how much he loved you. Do you think after all that time he invested in making you happy that this is what he would want?? We all are going through shit, but we all need to stay strong. People care about you, Karkat. People love you. We're not going to let you go. We've lost too much already. We need you to keep us strong, because we can't."

   I stared up at Dirk. He was right. I couldn't let go just yet. I had to stay with everyone. I had to make sure that everyone was okay. I had to stay strong for them, and for me. I wasn't giving up just yet.

   "Thank you, Dirk. I needed that."

   Everything started to get blurry, and I felt really dizzy. I collapsed onto Dirk, completely passed out from lack of sleep and nutrients. Even though it hurt like hell, it seemed a bit better. I knew I had people to support me, and I was definitely ready to support them. I was now okay. I was getting better.

   Behind the shades is someone completely unexpected. The one to love.

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