Part 10: Sailor Moon

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Me and Bella:* singing sailor moon theme*

Fighting evil by moonlight

Winning love by daylight

Never runs from a real fight

She is the one named Sailor Moon!

Jeff:Are they singing the Sailor Moon theme?

E.J.:Yep,to be honest,Bella is a good singer

Me and Bella:

Sailor Venus!

Sailor Mercury!

Sailor Mars!

Sailor Jupiter!

Jeff: You think with short skirts there would at least be one pantie shot but no,

E.J.: Jeff your a pervert.

Jeff: No I'm not!

E.J.: Prove it!

Jeff: Fine I will,I'll walk in there and if I don't get I nosebleed then I'm not a perv!

E.J.: If you say so.

Jeff:*walks in my room and notices the short skirts* Aaaahhhh! *nosebleeds* I can't help it! Michaela you look hot in a Sailor Mars costume!

E.J.: Ha! Your a big...perv.....*notices Bella in a Sailor Jupiter costume*...........Daaaaaannnnmmmm! You can't tell but I'm nose bleeding under my mask.

Me:ok we really needs some dares or asks because this is getting ridiculous,oh which reminds me,Bella,did you asked me something in person?

Bella: Actually...yeah! It was a dare for Jeff I dare Jeff to-

Jeff: Bella,it better not have something to do with Jane or pinky! Especially pinky!

Bella: I wish it was,I dare for Jeff to melt all his knives into a bracelet.

Jeff: Bella your a sick mother f-

Me: Jeff just do it!

Jeff:One day I'll get you back Bella!


Jeff: I did it! Sadly.

Bella: I didn't think you actually had it in you!

Me:*notices that Jeff burned himself a little* Jeff what happened?

Jeff: from now on keep me away from extremely hot objects.

Me:*hugs him* Jeff dose it hurt?

Jeff: what? The burn? Oh trust me it hurts like b****,but this is not the first time I've been burn,remember how I told that I was burned alive? That hurt like a mother f***er,oh and the smile hurt like hell on earth! So I've endured worse.

Me:You poor thing*hugs him even tighter*

Jeff:*blushes like crazy*

Pinky:get your hands of my colt!

Me,Jeff,E.J.,and Bella:Oh god

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