Part 26: Jeeeeeeeeffffrrreeeey!!!!

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BEN:that's it! *grabs my wrist and teleports us to his cabin*

Me: BEN what the heck are you doing?!?

BEN: *locks the door* guess what this is!!! *holds up a DVD cover*

Me: wait...Charlie sheen....wait.....hold up...that dog on the can't be...he wouldn't!!!....Dex dogtective! Lady X! Nooooooo! Of all the movies you had to have that one!!!! That's the worst movie ever!

BEN: Jeff told me how much you hate "food fight"!

Me: damn it Jeff!

~ 5 minutes into the movie~

Me: am I dead yet?😑

~another 5 minutes~

Me: oh s***! Poop rat is here! Seriously,is that a f***ing poop rat?!?

~ no idea where the f*** we are in the movie~

Me: why didn't I listen Nostalgia Critic! Why didn't I listen to JonTron!

~movie finally finished~

Me:BEN! You're dead to me!

BEN: by the way,someone left a dare!

Rawr1012 has dared BEN drowned,Jeff the killer,Michaela Black to take Splendor man's bed while he's sleeping and put him in the lake....

Me:that's a wonderful idea!

Jeff:we'll do it tonight!


Jeff:*waiting by BEN's cabin* ugh...where is Michaela?!?

BEN: give her a sec,it's not easy carrying a bed with a grown man already on top-

Me:*carrying splendor's bed* I-I'm....h-here! God d-damn it's h-heavy!

Jeff & BEN:*helps me carry splendor's bed....and splendor*

Everyone:*put splendor on the lake*

Me:and there he goes!

Jeff: it me or does this lake seem bigger to you?

BEN:and is it just me or is he getting farther away from land and out into the open water....

Splendor:*falls down a waterfall* JEEEEEEEEEFFFREEEEEEY! *splash*


Me:we're f***ed!!

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