Hi hi, just wanted to put a trigger warning on this. If you need someone to talk to, just message us or contact us on twitter. :)
I've loved O2L since they started the channel, but Jc has always had a special place in my heart. I don't know what it was about him, but whenever a new video of his came out I was extra excited. I also watched him before O2L even started, two years ago. Around that time, my family took a trip to LA and I bumped into him on the street. I said hello and we took a picture together. But, at that time I was in a depression and I self harmed. I told Jc that since I had met him and as long he posted videos, I had a reason to live. He made me promise that I'd never hurt myself again.
And I haven't.
O2L is having a meet up today, but of course, my parents won't let me drive three hours to LA alone. I woke up with a strange feeling. It hurt me so much that I couldn't go. They mean everything to me, and it killed me inside to think that I wouldn't be able to meet the people that saved my life. What's even worse, is that this is their last meet up of the summer. And this year, I'd be going to college all the way across the country.
I got up out of bed early, wanting to wash my thoughts away, but it didn't help. I traveled into the bathroom as the feeling got worse and worse, when I realized what it was. The urge to hurt myself had come back. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. "Don't do it." I whispered to myself. "I promised him." I repeated this over and over but it wasn't helping. There's only one other option than giving in.
I rushed over to the house phone, dialing my mom's work number. She picked up after three rings. "Hi hun. Sleep well?" She spoke. I didn't answer her question, "Mom. I have to go." I said, seriousness filling my voice. She paused for a moment before replying. "Steph, you know I said no." I didn't hesitate to answer. "You know why mom." She paused again. "I don't approve of this." This time I paused. "Mom, I'm going." I said, already deciding, I didn't care if she grounded me or whatever. I would be leaving in a month anyway.
I hung up the phone and sped into my room, frantically throwing on my O2L shirt and denim shorts. I brushed my hair and slipped on flip flops. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my phone from under my bed covers, dashing out the door.
The car started up and I drove down the street, making my way to the highway. My speed quickened as the car turned into the correct lane. I decided to turn on some music to calm my nerves. Blink182 filled my car as I sang along and continued to drive. After a while I realized I hadn't eaten, so I stopped at a rest area. I walked in and ordered my favorite drink and a snack from Starbucks. People stared at my wrists but I didn't care. I'd be meeting the guys who are making them fade in a few hours. I smiled at the barista as she handed me my latte. I walked back out to the car and drove off.
A few hours later and I was in LA. The actual meet up wouldn't be happening for a few hours so I decided to stop at a drug store for some make up since I was in a hurry this morning. I picked up some eyeliner and mascara and applied them when I returned to the car. I drove aimlessly, trying to eat up time. I stopped for more food and shopped a bit more when soon it was just two hours left. I drove off in the direction of the venue, assuming there would be traffic. You bet there was.
A huge line of girls formed, with homemade t-shirts, gifts, and signs. My heart race increased as I stepped up in the line, chatting a bit with the girls in front of me. The only ones remotely my age. Most of the fans here were a bit younger, probably 14-15. I was 18 now.
I soon neared them, catching glimpses of them every once in a while, or hearing their voices. My heart raced and raced as I was now very close to them. Soon enough, it was my turn.
I approached the boys as a huge smile spread across my face. "Hi! What's your name?" Trevor asked, he was surprisingly much shorter than me. "I'm Steph." I said. They all said hello's and I snapped a selfie with Connor and Ricky while the other boys were fighting about who knows what. But it was good, as I wanted to talk to Jc last. A minute had passed and it was about time for me to go. I took a picture with the rest of them, then it was Jc's turn.
His eyes met mine and he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me a bit to the side as the next girls came up. "H-Hi." I stuttered out. "Hi." He replied. There was a pause, as I waited for him to explain why he pulled me to the side. I decided to bring my situation up instead. "Look, I don't know if you remember me bu-" He interrupted me with a chuckle. "Of course I remember you." My hand covered my mouth and a tear streamed down my face with happiness. His hand lifted and he wiped the tear with his thumb. "Did you keep our promise?" He whispered. My hand tightened around my mouth as more tears flew down. He had actually remembered. I quickly nodded and brought my hand down to show him my almost faded scars. "Two years clean." I whispered back with a smile. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back, happy to know he still cares for his fans as much as he did at the beginning. "You need to know I care for every single one of you. I never want my fans hurting themselves." He said into my ear and then pulled away. "Thank you." I replied back and waved goodbye, him doing the same as I walked away from my everything, my lifesavers.
Hey guys, just wanted to say that this one shot was inspired by a true story, a girl (i dont remember what her name is but if shes reading this creds to her lol) met Vic from PTV and made the same promise. Four years later she met him again at Warped and had to tell him she had broken it. Sad. :( So anyways yeah, hope you guys enjoyed it.
P.S. Want an imagine? Here's what to do! Go to our profile, click on our series called "YouTuber Imagines and One Shots" and comment on whatever the latest post is with your name, which YouTuber you'd like, and (optional) a scenario (eg. first date, meeting him, etc.). We will try to get it up for you as soon as possible! Thanks!

Youtuber Imagines and One Shots
FanfictionYoutuber imagines and one shots for your liking! Want an imagine? Comment on any one of the authors notes, one shots, etc. with your name, which youtuber you'd like, and (optional, but it'd help a lot!) a scenario (eg. lazy day, first date, meeting...