Broken Pt 2

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Bc I can't sleep 😞

- 3 Months Later

"Lauren! Jade's calling you!" Normani yells from the other room.

"Coming! Answer for me, I'm still fixing my hair please!" Lauren yells back from the bathroom

"Jade? As in Jade Thirlwall? The girl that's been in love with Lauren forever?" Camila asks Dinah as they sit at the kitchen table eating Pizza.

"Yup, they started talking recently since Mani convinced Lauren. One, thing led to another and now they're practically dating" Dinah muffled voice replies as she takes a HUGE bite of pizza and doesn't notice Camila's demeanor changing into jealousy.

Ever since that horrible night Lauren hasn't said a word to Camila unless she was forced for an interview. She meant it when she said she was done. Of course Normani took Lauren's side, even Ally did because Camila was clearly in the wrong. The only one in the group who would talk to Camila was Dinah and even that took weeks of convincing.

"She got over me that fast?!" Camila whisper yells slightly with anger. Straining her hearing because Lauren was talking on her phone now.

"No offense Walz but you got over her while you were DATING her." Dinah says still mad over what her best friend did. Lauren is like a sister to her so even though she talks to Camila she's still not happy with her

Camila hangs her head in shame and cringes when she hears Lauren call Jade "Baby"

"What's up with you Mila? Is Shawn still being a dick juggling thunder cunt?" Dinah asks confused as she gets a soda

Camila whips her head in Dinah's direction at the mention of Shawn and looks at her confused. Because, I mean "Dick juggling thunder cunt" ?

"What did you call him?.. Never mind yeah... He's still being a jerk. It's like once we started dating and Lauren was out of the picture he turned into a different person.." Camila says sadly but then smiles softly when she hears Lauren's adorable laughter. Her smile almost immediately goes away when she remembers Jade is the one making her laugh.

"Camila, do you think he just wanted to get with you? Because Shawn is acting like you did with Lauren and that's not good although it's kinda like karma...anyways if you don't wanna be with him break up" Dinah rambles as she gets her soda to drink but then pouts when she notices it's empty

"I can't he helps me forget that I made the biggest mistake of my life by choosing him over Lauren.." Camila says feeling stupid with herself for doing that

Dinah looks at her shocked, this is the first time Camila has said she regrets what she did...well out loud. Camila and Shawn's relationship if you can call it that has been nothing but fights and drama but she puts on a brave face so she won't have to admit she fucked up. If she admits she fucked up then that means she broke Lauren's heart for no reason and she can't deal with that.

"Walz, if you're not happy break up with him. If you do MAYBE Lauren will talk to you" Dinah says feeling slightly bad for her best friend

Camila laughs bitterly and looks at a confused Dinah

"She won't even LOOK at me. I broke her Dinah I get-" but her words trail off when Lauren walks in to get a water from the fridge. She looks stunning wearing a tight red dress that accentuates her beautiful curves. When Lauren turns around she's startled she didn't know Camila was in here, they lock eyes for a second and Camila feels her heart race when she sees those gorgeous emerald eyes. She hasn't seen them in so long she forgot how much of an affect they have on her. Their short staring contest is over when Mani comes in and clears her throat loudly.

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