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So, this is loosely based on "Complicated" by Fitz And The Tantrums. If you don't like it pretend you do 😝

Dinah walks up to a gloomy looking Camila and sighs, plopping down next to her on the couch. She noticed Camila staring longingly at Lauren ten minutes ago and Camila hasn't stopped so she decided to check on her

"What's up Chancho? You and Lauren fighting again?" She asks knowingly. Ya see Camila and Lauren have a complicated relationship. One day they're fine then the next they're fighting. They're that on and off again couple much to their band members dismay but they understand that the girls love each other too much to give up completely.

Camila sighs heavily as she watches Lauren get her make up done by their stylist

"Lauren and I are fighting..she's mad that I never open up to her anymore. She didn't even know I was with Diplo until the pictures showed up on Instagram and Twitter" Camila says disheartened she hates when Lauren is mad at her

Dinah shakes her head in disappointment "Camila, you did the same thing when you made the song with Shawn. Why don't you talk to her instead of letting her find out through Twitter? That's messed up" Dinah scolds making Camila frown

"I don't know I think I'm just scared she won't approve" Camila mumbles and frowns deeper when she sees Lauren walk by not even looking her way

Dinah gets up once she hears her name being called for make up

"Lauren loves you the only reason she's disappointed is because you go behind her back to do things and lie about where you are. You're losing her trust Camila you better make sure you don't lose it completely and open up" Dinah chastised and walks away

Camila throws her head back and sighs, covering her face with her hands. She feels terrible but she knows she has to fix this as soon as possible so she starts walking to where Lauren is sitting with Normani

"Lauren, can I talk to you please?" Camila pleads

Lauren and Normani stop talking and Lauren sighs.

"I'll see you later Laur" Normani says in parting and squeezes Lauren's shoulder reassuringly "Be honest" she whispers to Camila for only her to hear and leaves to sit with Ally across the room

Camila sits close to Lauren their knees touching but Lauren scoots towards the arm of the couch leaning her back on it to create distance and crosses her arms defensively

Camila turns to face her and stares into Lauren's grey eyes with slight blue specks and frowns. Lauren's eyes are only grey when she's sad, she inwardly curses herself for causing Lauren sadness

"I'm so sorry Lauren. I know I haven't been opening up to you and I've been lying but I don't wanna lose you" Camila says with a quivering bottom lip. She can't lose Lauren that'd hurt too much

Lauren's features soften when she sees Camila that upset and uncrosses her arms, rubbing her temples with her fingers

"Why can't you talk to me anymore? You use to be able to tell me everything Camila. Do you not love me anymore? Because you've been lying more often too" Lauren shares her insecurity finally. She honestly feels that way because Camila would leave Lauren and lie about going somewhere with Dinah when she was really making her own songs outside of the group

Camila's eyes widen and she shakes her head furiously "No, I still love you more than anything in this world baby. I'm just stupid I know I can talk to you I just didn't think you'd approve of me making these songs" Camila stresses she can't believe Lauren thought that and she feels even more guilty for making her think that.

Lauren wipes her face when some tears escape and Camila grabs her hands in hers

"I'm not upset about you making songs Camila I'm upset about the lying to the girls and I and going behind my back" Lauren states slightly less upset

Camila sighs and let's go of Lauren's hands to hug her. Lauren buries her face in Camila's neck and Camila rests her chin on her head

"I know I'm sorry I'm so sorry baby. I'll start talking to you again I promise" she says determined to make their relationship better and kisses Lauren's head in return receiving a soft kiss to her neck making her smile

Things were going well.....for about 2 weeks

"Oh my god Camila you're fucking crazy!" Lauren yells as she storms in their hotel room for the night with Camila right behind her

"Shes in love with you! She's always texting you, calling you and skyping you!" Camila argues as Lauren takes off her jacket and throws it on the bed, running her hand through her hair in frustration

"So what?! Shawn did the same shit with you and you STILL talk to him! And she's not in love with me we've been good friends for years!" Lauren retaliates her face turning slightly red from anger

Camila laughs bitterly "You're so blind, Lucy has been up you're ass for so long it's no wonder you can't see!"

Lauren rolls her eyes "I'm blind?! Shawn hits on you EVERY TIME you guys talk and you STILL talk to him as if that's okay. That nasal voiced kid is so far up YOUR ass if you burp he'll come flying out of your throat!" Lauren yells getting even angrier when thinking about the boy, angry tears coming out

Camila softens and takes a deep breath to calm herself noticing Lauren getting even more worked up

"Okay, I'm sorry I haven't told Shawn off for hitting on me so many times but what he says doesn't matter I'm all yours Lauren" Camila says sincerely slowly walking up to Lauren

Lauren covers her face with her hands and mumbles "Then tell him to stop"

Camila sighs "Of course baby, but can you tell Lucy to back off? I don't like her trying to take my girl" she grins cheekily when Lauren removes her hands and playfully rolls her eyes

"If she flirts I will Camz" Lauren agrees relieved

Camila walks up to her and grabs Lauren's hips pulling her body flush against her own. Lauren wraps her arms around Camila's neck and smiles softly

"I love you" Camila whispers affectionately

"I love you too baby" Lauren whispers back just as affectionate then connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. Making both girls feel as time as stopped.

Things were getting heated and soon enough Camila was being straddled by Lauren on their shared bed in with their shirts off. Camila was kissing along Lauren's sexy collarbones that she loves so much leaving marks with Lauren's hands tangled in her hair encouraging her when they heard loud knocking

"Go away!" Camila yelled slightly muffled by Lauren's chest making Lauren giggle

"Never mind Mani Camren is good again!" They hear Dinah yell and muffled footsteps fading away

Lauren chuckles until Camila kisses her sternum and unfastens her bra, groping her boobs earning a raspy moan

"Camren is doing verrrrryy good" Camila says entranced by Lauren's upper body

Once again idk if I should've put smut idk what you guys want haha. Anyway, I hope you're doing good cuties 💕

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