Heart Out Pt 2

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Sorry if I took awhile, I get these REALLY bad migraines sometimes and if medicine doesn't work I literally have to lay in a completely, dark and quiet room with a cold rag over my forehead and eyes...not too fun haha but here you go cuties 🐧🐧 the penguins back!

"Have you seen Lauren yet?" Camila asks bouncing excitedly she can't wait to see the emerald eyed girl and show her true feelings

"Oh my god Milz for the 20th time- oh wait there she is go get your girl" Ariana smirks smugly closing her locker and walking away

Camila doesn't even notice her walking away she's too focused on Lauren. This happens a lot Ariana calls it the "Jauregui Affect"

She sees Lauren stop at her locker, she takes a deep breath and walks up to her

"Hey, Lauren" Camila says beaming

Lauren turns around and looks at her confused...didn't Camila tell her she doesn't even like her? But since she STILL has a huge JLo ass crush on her she responds

"Oh hey Camila, how are you?" Lauren asks politely while putting books in her locker, tongue out slightly then pouting when they won't fit

Camila smiles adoringly and stands behind Lauren, slightly pressing into Lauren's back, placing one of her hands on Lauren's hip while reaching over her and moving her books. Leaving Lauren flustered stuttering a 'Thank You'

Camila chuckles and slightly backs away when Lauren turns around but they're still pretty close. Camila can see all the tiny freckles along the bridge of Lauren's nose and Lauren can see the different shades of brown in Camila's eyes. They're in a staring contest until they get rudely interrupted by no other than bread. I mean, Brad

"Ew Camilla why are you with that loser?" He snickers and his ugly ass band laugh making Lauren look down and frown

Camila clenches her jaw at the sight and turns to Brad glaring daggers

"Shut the fuck up Brad, you're just pissed because she's ACTUALLY giving me attention. We all know you're jealous I mean, why wouldn't you be? Lauren's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen AND she's beautiful on the inside. So, go back to your band practice god knows you need it" she finishes with a smirk when she sees Brad's face fall along with his 'band'

"Whatever Camilla" he mumbles and walks away

Lauren is still speechless staring at Camila with wide eyes

"You okay?" Camila questions with a chuckle slightly nervous

"I..I um yeah I'm fine. It's just..did you mean wha-what you said ?" Lauren questions curiously and fidgeting with her fingers

Camila notices and grabs her hands in her own ignoring the sparks because Lauren looks like she's going to pass out

"Yes, I know that might be hard to believe but I was just scared" Camila admits shyly biting her lip

Lauren tilts her head, Camila thinks it just makes her look like a puppy. Then Lauren scrunches up her face in that cute way she does when she's confused 'Yup she's definitely a puppy' Camila thinks

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