Broken Pt 3

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-2 days later

"Soo, you never told us how your date went Lo" Ally prods as they drink their coffee in the living room, still dressed in their pj's

Normani looks up excitedly "Oh yeah! Tell us!" Almost shaking with excitement

Lauren nervously looks up and fake smiles "It was amazing...Jade's great"

Normani sighs "You can't forget about Camila can you?"

"I've tried! It's hard trying to forget about your first matter how hard you try" Lauren's voice cracks Ally notices immediately and goes to her side

"Maybe you need to talk to her sweetie" Ally suggests softly while rubbing Lauren's arm

Normani sighs again dramatically "I don't approve of Camila but maybe you need closure"

"Yeah, maybe." Lauren says then starts drinking her coffee to avoid further conversation

-Meanwhile at the store

"Dinah! Do you think my plan will work?" Camila asks anxiously while putting the necessary items in the cart

"Oh my god for the billionth time YES. Lauren will swoon then Camren will be back and you guys will be fucking like horny rabbits in no time" Dinah says slightly annoyed but laughs when she sees Camila's blush

"Whatever, just make sure everybody is out of the house tonight so I can get this all set up. Then, I'll text Lauren to come home so we can talk...hopefully" Camila says with hope she's just excited to see Lauren

"Hey, so you're not sad about Shawn at all? Like, you're 100% done? Like Austin's career?" Dinah questions wanting to make sure she's okay

Camila laughs and says "Yeah I'm done. He wasn't even sad either he just agreed and said 'Yeah um we should see other people' and left me to pay for the check"

Dinah rolls her eyes "Cheap ass" she mumbles "Anyways! Let's go win ya girl back boo!"


"Dinah, why are you making us go see your Beyonce collection? We've seen it a thousand times" Lauren whines in her cute baby voice with a pout

Camila chuckles and can't help but smile adoringly. What? Lauren's adorable everybody knows

Ally looks at Camila confused and elbows Mani when she sees her glaring "Come on guys you know she won't quit"

"YES!" Dinah yells dragging Lauren out but not before winking at Camila

Camila smiles and gets to work


From: Camila
Can you come back? I NEED YOUR HELP

"That's weird" Lauren mumbles as she reads the text

"What?" Dinah says hiding her excitement having read the text over Lauren's shoulder

"Camila text me, she said she needs my help.." Lauren says slightly scared

"Just go. I know you don't wanna see my Beyonce collection" Dinah says and flips her hair already pushing Lauren out the door

"But...but...-" she gets cut off when Dinah pushes her out the door and locks it

Ally and Mani walk in the living after already seeing the collection

"Where's Lauren?" Mani asks curiously

"Ummm... She needed to feed her fish..she forgot" Dinah stutters

"But Lauren-" Dinah cuts off Ally by yelling



Lauren nervously walks in the house

"Camila! I'm here!" Lauren yells

"In here!" Comes a muffled response from the backyard

Lauren starts walking to the backyard and when she makes it there her jaw drops. There are Christmas lights going along the tall wooden fence, a bonfire is in the middle surrounded by comforters and pillows (at a safe distance if course) and The 1975's "Lay Me Down" is softly playing in the background when Camila sits up from a chair by the pool and walks in front if Lauren.

"Lauren, I know there's no words I can say to make what I did right but I'm gonna try because I can't lose you." She nervously clears her throat and grabs Lauren's hands in her own and is surprised to feel Lauren interlock their fingers.

She looks into those beautiful eyes she adores and says "Lo, you are the love if my life. I can't picture myself without you and the fact that I screwed up so bad by making that decision haunts me everyday. It haunts me when I see you and can't hug you or hold you in my arms. It haunts me when I hear you talk so passionately and can't kiss you afterwards because you know I love your way with words. I love you so much and I don't know how I lost sight of that" she brings up her hand to wipe the tears in Lauren's face. She cleans her own face

"If you give me ONE more chance I PROMISE I will never forget you're the only one for me and to prove that I have this" she says kneeling on one knee and taking a velvet box out of her pocket

Lauren gasps and her eyes are full of disbelief

Camila notices her slightly scared expression and chuckles "Don't worry it's just a promise ring. I know I have to earn your trust back and what better way then a physical form of my promise? With this ring I promise to be the one who wipes your eyes and holds you tight in your darkest times. With this ring I PROMISE I'm yours and only yours until we get married and it'll be official" Camila jokes earning her a cute giggle from Lauren

"So, Lauren will you accept my promise?" Camila asks while holding out the ring nervously biting her lip

It seems like eternity until Lauren gives an answer.

"Yes, but I swear this is your last chance Camz" Lauren says seriously still kinda nervous

Camila jumps up excitedly and fist pumps earning another adorable giggle "I swear you won't regret this" she says happily putting the ring on Lauren's finger

Lauren eyes it smiling and looks up "I was hoping you'd try to win me back" she says shyly

Camila chucked and pulls her in by her waist "I'd try over and over again until you'd take me back. I was seriously contemplating punching Jade" she says chuckling but also very serious

Lauren laughs and says "I talked to her and she understood I wasn't over you. She's a sweetheart babe but you're my girl" while putting her arms around Camila's neck

Camila blushes and says "You're my only one. Forever and ever baby" then leans in and looks into Lauren's eyes for permission when she sees Lauren nod she closes the distance and their lips connect

Nothing beats kissing Lauren and she smiles halfway through the kiss remembering she can do it again which in turn makes Lauren smile and break the kiss

"I love you" Lauren whispers lovingly

Camila has a face eating grin and picks Lauren up and spins her around and says "I love you, I love you, I love you" she smiles hearing Lauren's loud adorable laughter and puts her down only to kiss her again and again and again

Yay Camrens back y'all ! Sorry if it sucked toward the end. The medication the doctor gave me is making me verrrrry drowsy haha I shall update soon cuties 😘

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