A Very Busy Month

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Disclaimer : I do not own naruto or its characters just my own and the plot.
'Person thoughts' "kyuubi talking" 'thinking angrily' *kekkei genkai*
"Person talking" 'kyuubi thinking' "talking angrily " (jutsu)
Naruto was convinced,that he was never having children when he got older.

Keyori herself wasn't that bad, it was just....how is anyone supposed to get any adequate sleep when as soon as you lay down the baby will just start crying leaving you to either rock him/her to sleep or sing a lullaby to calm their frazzled nerves.

Plus if you added money to the equation you could find yourself practically emptying your wallet for the next three weeks.

Baby's were expensive that is what Naruto concluded but children had their perks.

When Naruto walked among the crowds of villagers who would usually push, shove, and throw insults at him like last week's garbage he was surprised when all he got was a handful of glares.

The same thing happened when he entered a store dedicated to all things that a child would need to survive and thrive just until she/he was old enough,the owner of it was a woman in her late forty's with light auburn hair and murky brown eyes.

She didn't yell at him nor did she try to grab a broomstick and chase him out of there she just settled with glaring at him in disdain like he was gum stuck to her shoe.

Naruto tapped his chin in thought as he looked through the ailes for baby formula all the while still carrying a sleeping Keyori in his arms.

Having trouble on deciding whether to settle on one that focuses on brain growth or muscle growth he hesitantly walked towards the front o the store where the woman was waiting lightly tapping her forefinger against the counter, a sign of showing impatience.

But when he entered her field of vision she only began to tap her forefinger faster.

Naruto could barely hold in a flinch as her glare was directed at him and served to only cause the bundle in his arms to stir just slightly.

In a panic thinking that she had woken up Naruto moved her hair from her soft tan face and breathed a sigh of relief when she only continued to sleep.

A small warm smile made it way onto his pale pink lips as he gently kissed her forehead.

Naruto knowing that he couldn't stay here for that long due to the fact that he was the village's demon hurriedly asked the woman at the counter his question about the baby formula not noticing that the woman's glare that was aimed at him softened considerably at his small display of affection for the child in his arms.

Leaving him surprised when she moved from behind the counter and begun helping him with his long list calling upon someone from the back to watch the register for a while.

Clothing, toys, diapers, pacifiers, bottles, bags you can name it they probably brought it Naruto was really grateful for the woman who had helped him who's name was Loryna.

She was actually a really sweet and caring person and though she didn't have any family or friends taken away from her during the attack on Konoha seventeen years ago some of her family had lost their friends and the same thing with her friends only that most of them lost their precious one's and had passed their opinions of the demon child onto her swaying her judgement on how she viewed Naruto.

But seeing how affectionate he was towards a child has completely changed how she viewed him and the fact that she loved children with a burning passion that could rival the flames of youth oftenly spouted by the green cladded spandex wearing green beast of the Leaf Village Might Guy was certainly a 180 for her.

Personally in Naruto's opinion Loryna was a angle sent by Kami [god] herself because he had not a single idea on what clothes to buy for a baby girl and having a woman who basically treasured children was very reassuring to say the least.

As Naruto's shopping time came to a close Loryna kindly gave Naruto a couple of sealing scrolls allowing him to move around without the heavy weight of multiple bags weighing him down.

Waving one last goodbye Naruto exited the nursery store drawing many confused looks from passerby's as he walked down the street with a baby In his arms.

A small grin made it's way across his face as he looked up towards the setting sky in peaceful contempt 'Maybe taking care of someone else wouldn't be so bad' he thought as Keyori stirred awake her cerulean sky blue eyes finding a pair just like her's staring back at her with barely uncontained glee.

For someone like Naruto we could have only hoped he survived his first Month because it's about to get a little more interesting.

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