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It had been a little less than a week since he employed Konoha's troops, the council had bared down heavily upon him.

Conferring, drawing up plans, having them approved, going back to the drawing board to add clauses, sub-clauses, the whole nine.

He'd been holed up in his office for majority of the time allotted, Tsuchi had been on Keyori duty, his baby was already beginning to toddle around the house without support!

Naruto may or not have a drawer and a half dedicated to that milestone alone...

It was three in the afternoon and the sun was high and blazing, Uzumaki's hand cramped for not the seventh time in that hour alone and he quickly gathered his papers and sent them along with Inomi- a sweet if somewhat wary secretary in training-  who returned with just as much haste, another stack piled in her arms.

He sighed...

The things he did for this village.

"Thank you Inomi, go enjoy your break."

He turned his attention once again inward, a ledger in his right, pen and stamp in his left; another hour and forty minutes.

Number seven was just another badly broken, damaged hole in their village's infrastructure that needed tending.

He had eleven done and penned down twelve, when a fist rapped on his door.

"Come in." Uzumaki let his eyes roll up to the people that entered. Their shoes pomphed faintly as they marched, he half wanted to adivse them in taking them off; they were distracting.

He extended a hand, open-palmed, inviting to what little furniture he possessed; a couple chairs and a three seater couch at least.

They stopped with the intention of seating themselves, the intention all but one possessed.

Blond hair, foreign in this land of brown and black, thrusted forward from the strong seven throng, light in terms of color for a suit, tall in terms that befitted a woman.

It would seem as if the Frost Lord had been notified of their rescue attempt. Good. That means the fourth and sixth companies were successful in setting up base.

Before her, she had stumbled the sleeve of her shirt, was the blotched spot home to the twenty-three leases.

To have sent one....

"May I help you?"

"Yes, you are Uzumaki-san correct? The Frost Lord has sent us in-"

"We have gathered Intel on our adversary."

The girl faced aboutly, moving both her thumb and forefinger jerkily across her lips; hissing.

The warning went unheeded.

"Uzumaki-san if I may?"


The speaker stepped forward, all five foot something and strong of frame, he was also a lease.

There were two.

Land of Frost was becoming truly desperate...

Naruto guessed this was going to be the room where it happens...

He wouldn't be able to go home today either.

"Councilwoman Koharu, councilman Homura..."


"You are well?"

Mitokado chipped first. "As well as a pile of old bones can," he huffed with good nature.

"Then I have nothing to worry about. Please, sit."

He noticed the grateful almost slump to their shoulders.

Topics from then on moved to stiller waters.

"Have you the reports?"

"Yes ma'am."

The boy was tired, they noticed, saw it as soon as he bade them entrance, saw the tremble of his hand, bags of his eyes, droop of his back, the jaw popping yawn he had tried to hide behind inked fingers.

A piece was known in them to be guilt.

Inomi hustled through the door; an hour up, strong arming another pile in from who knows what.

"From Tsunade-sama."

".... Thank you, Inomi, you may go." The boy shoulders slumped.

"That is a lot of paperwork."

"So I've seen."

"What I meant is that it's much more than you should have to fill."

"It is enough if it helps the village."

"But you agree that the workload could be lessened?"

"...... What's your point Councilwoman Koharu?" 

The elder smoothed a hand down her robes, thinking.

"Let me see them," she held out her arms. "There needs to be a reason why you have so many."

He permitted.

Utatane thumbed through the paper, Mitokado leaned over her shoulder to look.

They eased onto stiff legs not a moment later, Uzumaki had an impression that they were almost mad; he didn't know why.

"You may go home Naruto, you've had enough of this office to last you a lifetime, enjoy the next two days as off time, you need it."


"We will take care of this in your stead, go be a teen for once."


They left him swaying in his spot, eyes wide and excitement mounting.

Naruto took off, throwing just about what he could off of him.

To hell with ceremonial robes!

He was free at last!

He could go home and cuddle with Tsuchikana while Keyori toddled about their feet.

He could take as many naps as would be possible, walk outside, go to the park, eat ramen.....mmmm...ramen, read that novel series that had caught his attention......

Man, if that didn't make him sound like old man hokage he didn't know what did.

But he was free and plan number one was to find himself a good stiff cup of coffee and his two little joys.

Konoha's New Number One....Baby?!Where stories live. Discover now