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The two parties sized each other, eyes running and roving over bodies that had become intimately involved with each other in the heady days of attraction and lust.

Tsuchikana croaked, willing a voice that would never come calling to his command to speak, to soothe his lovers pain, to end the suffering that had haunted him since the age of fourteen.

°Huh ° he watched a sick sort of satisfaction settled over Naruto's face as he pried a bloodied palm from the cooling blood on his neck and picked up the carier.

"Until you have found your explanation do not come near my baby nor I for the foreseeable future, good day Umeki Tsuchikana."

An accent flavored his clipped words as he marched himself towards the heavy set door, sparing not even a glare of hatred towards the prone body kneeling into the floor as he left.

And Umeki felt as though the dismissing nature hurt worse than any kick or slap ever could.

Two fortnights and three nearing four days has passed since then, the fox jinchūriki became an increasingly hostile person to be around; Garra's presence was only welcomed within eight feet.

He was sent back to Konoha for a limited time; his business in Suna was not finished, and promptly hid from anyone who wanted to communicate with him.

He had returned two days ago, and was roused from his forced isolation by Umeki.

"What do you want!?" He whispered fiercely, pulling the door closed behind him as he steered Tsuchi into the living room.

The man licked his lips, feeling the thrummimg contentment that sent shivers through his body as Naruto touched him.

"I-I wanted to tell you that explanation."

Uzumaki paused, flopping onto the couch and pulling his feet up to bar inviting Umeki to join him.

"Really?!" He groused, sarcastically excited, he checked the calendar that tacked itself to the far wall.

"And it only took four weeks and three days, I have been proven wrong." He fixed Umeki a sardonic once over. "Idiots do need time to think."

"Stop that!" Tsuchikana snapped, and watched as the open disgust closed off and turned a stony lined straight.

"Stop what exactly? I haven't done you any wrong have I?" He pressed a hand under his knee and kicked listless at the air.

"And what do you mean by stop, last time I checked this was my hous-"

Tsuchikana lunged at him, showing the first break of restrain in his easy going personality. Uzumaki had enough.

He grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the back of the couch, pleased to see the pain flash across the scrunched planes of his face as his back bowed over the edge.

Pulling him up by the collar and shoved into the nearest empty room, which incidentally happened to be the dining room table.

He slid the switchblade back into the front of his pocket and followed after Tsuchikana.  "Hey, who am I to complain if you want to offer yourself to me so bad."

He had only planned on teasing Umeki a bit, blow off a bit of steam, but Tsuchi's face was red, and he was practically shaking with rage. "You touch me again and I'll kill you."

°Is that any way to talk to your husband?...I'll do what I want, Umeki. You think I'm afraid of you? Especially after everything else?"

"You dang well better be Uzumaki, you mess with me and you'll be deader than your precious Father-"

Naruto punched him in the stomach; digging and twisting, making him double over with a look of shock churning about his features.

He barely had time to recover before he socked him across the face, Umeki stumbling at the blow.

He almost got his hands up to block the next hit, but Naruto caught him high across the cheek and he went down, bleeding.

While he was trying to wipe the blood away Uzumaki kicked him in the side, before reaching down to grab him by the hair.

°Oh you picked the wrong day Kana.°

He had only had a slight grasp on his anger when he left Konoha but now it just snapped. He dragged Umeki to his knees. "Didn't you gesture to offering your claimed body to your lover?"

Before Tsuchi could even say anything he pressed his mouth over his, absorbing his complaints.

Kana tried to push him away but he grabbed both wrists, holding him in place.

He had his tongue in the other's mouth but pulled back when Umeki bit him. He pulled back and slapped him hard across the face, the traitor crying out in protest.

"Learn that life does not revolve around you." He grabbed him by the collar and dragged him along, shoving his body against the hard surface of the table.

And let it be known that Uzumaki wasn't seen for another week.

Hello my lovely Animebookers who have took the time to read this far in my work. I know I haven't been posting regularly and have been trying to curb that habit but it is slow going so don't hate me if my chapters do somehow continue to be weeks apart in publishing.

I just wanted to thank all of you for your support in reading my fan fiction and voting for each individual chapter such as mesha199, the1nonly_mari, elisejansma,Yuesarutobi, and dramione_fan_forever.

Just seeing how many of you click on my work and read has filled me with inspiration and continual relief that my writing has been able to interest so many.

So without further ado Animebook3 out.

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