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Disclaimer: I do not own naruto or its characters just my own and the plot.
' Person thoughts ' " talking angrily " 'kyuubi thinking ' *kekkei genkai *
" Person talking " ' thinking angrily ' " kyuubi talking " (jutsu )
Kakashi hopped from roof to roof in his usual calm and lazy demeanor, he was headed towards his most lazy yet most paradoxically energetic student. He recently just received information that would surely excite his seventeen-year-old genin to no end.

They were going to spar but not just team seven including them team 8,9, and 10 were also going to be joining them as a chance to learn and benefit from each other but so that they could find out the predicament that concerns a certain eight month year old.

Landing on the ledge of an open window, Kakashi leaned inward only to find a kunai dangerously close to his throat the other end of it connected to a sleeping naruto.

'That is one hell of a reflex,'thought an impressed Kakashi-sensei he was immensely surprised to say the least he wasn't even sure he could do that while still asleep.

"Yo, Naruto it's me" his hand withdrew the kunai spinning it around his finger before until it was tucked underneath the pillow.

Naruto then proceeded to shift a little before continuing to snore lightly.

This action had Kakashi's only visible gray eyebrow shoot upward until it was hidden by his leaf headband.

'This is certainly impressive being able to recognise an enemy while determining whether it's a friend or a foe all the while still asleep' it was then that Kakashi saw a small figure sleeping on Naruto's chest that made him close the window and turn to leave planning on waking the blond and his baby at a later time.
The Seventeen year old was tired to say the least
If not for Keyori, naruto would've been to bed by 9:00 p.m. but nooo she had decided to take it upon herself to keep him up past 11:00 by crying her little eyes out until he took her out of her crib and into bed with him.

At 7:45 a.m. the miniature alarm clock began blaring it's usual wake-up call,but was drowned out by the even louder snoring of the Seventeen year old teen who was abruptly woken from his slumber when a certain eight month year old girl decided to hit him in the head with a building block that wasn't removed from the bed last night.

To which he replied by groaning and rolling over to the unslept part of the bed.

A woosh was all that could be heard as Naruto's eyes involuntarily flew open when he felt the wind being knocked out from him.

A annoyed looked flitted briefly onto his rather calm features as he eyed the mobile Keyori sitting on top of his chest with her always loved fox plushy currently being used as a means to chew on something.

Taking that as a sign that she was hungry Naruto pushed his oversized body from the bed and picked her up, cradling her in his arms as he carried himsef towards the bathroom cerulean eyes watering as he yawned.

When he flicked on the light switch, he noticed that Keyori and himself sported the same kind of bed hair.

Rapidly trying to smooth Keyori's hair down Naruto only suceeded in messing it up more so he promptly sat down on the toilet seat and grabbed a soft hairbrush off of the counter running it in smooth strokes around the scarce abundance of hair that sat on top of her head.

When he finished he simply sat her down on the floor and watched as she crawled out of the bathroom in her little blue kitty pajamas before getting started on his own hygiene.

Which only consisted of brushing his teeth as he was in no mood to fix his overall appearance which provided him with a sophisticated but rugged look.

Naruto walked out of the bathroom feeling a little more awake than before and smiled out of pure amusement as he watched Keyori struggle to stand up on her own without the use of a chair or bed nearby.

Stepping farther into the bedroom naruto trodded to the small walk in closet in the corner of the room and pushed open it's sliding door as he blindly reached in before pulling out a light pink one piece dress with a floral pattern on it.

Satisfied with his find he turned around only to find Keyori attempting to grab his leg with her stubby little hands.

Before she could fall he gathered her up in his arms and chuckled lightly as she gurgled happily in his embrace.

Walking into her room Naruto gently put her on the changing table and switched out her blue kitty pajamas for something more appropriate for outside wear, the pink floral printed dress with white sandals.

As Naruto picked up his surrogated daughter by her armpits his face adopted a look of pure unadulterated bliss as she smiled a toothless smile and gurgled in that happy tone of her's as she reached out towards him and shouted out a gleeful "Mommy!" Twirling around and latching his hand onto the golden doorknob Naruto stepped out of the room with it's eggshell white with silver bells painted walls and ambled down the carpeted hallway.

Doing a one-handed seal Naruto allowed a clone of himself to be fabricated into existence as he gently dumped his little Keyori into the arms of his doppelganger.

"If it's not to much trouble would you be a dear and fix Keyori's bottle and pack her diaper bag for me?" Naruto saw his clone open his mouth to speak but hesitated, upon closing it his eyes flashed briefly in a emotion he didn't quite catch before it nodded it's silent conformation and began to roam around the living room and kitchen.

Running a hand over his tired face careful not to move his reading glasses Naruto dragged his body into the kitchen to make his morning dose of sugared coffee. T

aking care of a child has stressed Naruto out so he found himself drinking coffee to calm his always irritated nerves.

Watching the steaming brown liquid as it fell freely into the white Styrofoam cup the clone of Naruto stepped back into the kitchen with a blue diaper bag slung over his shoulder and Keyori silently drinking from her bottle.

Allowing a small smile grace his features the actual Naruto tenderly took Keyori into his arms and slowly shouldered the diaper bag [which in his opinion was quite heavy] so as to not jostle her as she was just beginning to fall asleep.

Watching as his clone became nonexistent Naruto grabbed his cup of coffee and mumbled a almost inaudible (shunshin) before his body blurred with blue fluctuating chakra then dissappeared.

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