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But he was free and plan number one was to find himself a good stiff cup of coffee and his two little joys.

What was once a busy roadway that led to Flakes was slowly being absorbed back into nature as piling snow, grass, and small shrubs reclaimed what they can as fast as they could.

Random pieces of not longly forgotten possessions litter the roads and wild, overgrown gardens within this town.

Many doorways still stood tall and in some cases it was one of the few things left of a home. But most doors were completely gone and only remnants of charred, wet, rotten wood were left behind.

A few decayed carts still stood toppled in the streeways, though most were stripped of all their spare parts.

Pomovaara, once a major hub for new businesses and young families was now a forgotten remnant of time shortly passed in skirmish.

The many voices of a once bustling community were replaced with the many voices of wild animals and stray pets that had made this town their new home.

The public pools and bathhouses were still full of water. Green, algae filled rain water now becoming covered with a layer of sprinkled white . It was big enough to become a new home to several families of ducks, but it was eerily abandoned by even them.

Were it not for the animals that had made their home in many of the buildings this town would've surely been a far more unsettling sight. But despite being nothing like its former self this town still served its purpose. It was still home to a community and lives still thrived, it was just in the form of animals this time.

The shinobi warily treaded, arming their weapons at the slightest shuffle of life.

They were remnants of the second -Marcel- and fourth -Choan- companies, making a fifth -Eton- one to break off and loop around to find any straggling civilians.

The hours bled on their search and when night came Eton settled within the trees and under-brush.

Leaders Tsumichi and Chikana pulled soldiers from the front to secure the perimeter, retreating until the light of the moon was visible, tilting the document in it's glow; no chances were being taken in lighting a fire and accidentally leading enemies to their location.

Dossier: Lelan's Forces

Kanamari Maritake
Ability: Has the elemental affinity of wind to remove air in the body through direct contact or by conduction of weapons.

Lissonel Koi
Ability: Has a Jutsu that copies other's chakra and impersonates them. Can cause temporary confusion and paralysis in victims. She can also skim thoughts, only with touch.

Makachi Nata
Ability: Cini- not a shinobi.
Makachi is a battle tactician specialist, very intelligent, is on par with those found in the Nara Clan of the Leaf and Koware Clan of the Sand. She is known for keeping away from fights and is suspected of being held against her will.

Mari Ichijo
Ability: Can promote use of adrenaline and added strength to weakened soldiers. Lasts thirteen minutes and needs to maintain a distance of six feet for nine seconds in order for it to take effect.

Umi Washita
Ability: Manipulates surrounding objects with chakra to create energy within them to be highly focused enough to cut through most things.

A slew of other shinobi and Civilians littered four pages with an additional five dedicated to pictures, alliances, places last seen, family, affiliations, jobs, status in other villages, and etc.

Chikana skimmed over it briefly, eyes flashing over each name and face, committing it to memory.

This was much more serious than she thought it would be, they were prepared for this attack; actually planned and gathered enough forces to pose a threat to a minor Shinobi village.

Tsumichi's face mirrored her thoughts, a grave emotion, setting lines to his usually youthful look, he tucked the documents into his flak jacket and put a hand to her temple.

"Contact Inoichi-san and inform him of our settlement and how far we are from Choan, be mindful of how loud you are."

"Of course."

Eton's communication during settlement, three quarters of a day away from the next town.

"This is Chikana of Eton company. All shinobi are settled. No lost soldiers. No sight of civilians. Good morale. Permission to turn in as well?"

"Chikana of Eton, this is Inoichi of Konoha. Permission is granted to turn in. Be aware of your surroundings and stay clear of heavily forested areas. Distance of Choan?"

"Roger, Inoichi-sama. Distance of Choan is 128 miles in eight hours with everyone keeping pace.

"Push the tempo a bit, can you get it to six hours?"

There was a brief, muted conversation on the other end.

"Yes sir, troops will be notified and up within four. Goodnight sir."

"Goodnight Chikana-san, remember to keep aware."

".....will do sir."


It was nearly after midnight, and the Lord of Frost, Choi, stood at attention, his back to the door of his office.

"Sir, we have whereabouts of Eton's location, no survivors have been found. Lelan's Forces annihilated many and took prisoner's of the rest."

Choi nodded but continued to peer outside from behind the window. "Is it known of what they done with the prisoner's?"

"Besides of what is expected, no. We do not have that information."

Choi turned. "Did you come to bear only bad news?"

"Not all of bad news, sir. With Konoha's involvement and Suna providing aid in supplies there is hope for us against this slight on our village."

Choi was quiet. "We can only hope for the best and pray for Kami to truly salvage what we have spent many years building. I'm retiring for the night, my body is not what it used to be."

The person bowed, eyes downcasted and filled with nothing but worry. "Goodnight sir." For the sake of this village he did hope Kami showed mercy.

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