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i have so much and so little, it's suffocating but also an honor. 

abby: cooper. woah. 

me: it's really not much, stop fawning over it. 

abby: a swear jar, a coffee giftcard, a shitty mixtape, a fluffy scarf, and an angry shakespeare t-shirt? not much? cooper, i love it. you're such a sap, honestly. your whole 'selfish basketcase' act doesn't really work on me.

me: well, you don't have to worry about any shitty presents for your birthday.

abby: ha, you got it boss!

me: are you okay? 

abby: what do you mean?

me: you just seem a little off. did you get a bad text or something when you went to get my present in the car?

abby: no, you're fine. i just think i'm getting my period.

me: oh, okay! if we need to go get anything, just let me know! not much is open tonight, but we could probably find at least some paper tampons at the gas station.

abby: you are such a chill best friend.

me: apparently not chill enough to give me my present yet!

abby: oh, calm the heck down. i have them right here.

me: two presents? oh, cool! this one is really light. is it a wall scroll?

abby: ha-ha. you'll have to wait and see. it might be a naruto poster. for all you know.

me: kakashi has it going on. no complaints here.

abby: just open it!

me: calm down, dude. no need to be nervous.

me: oh, it is a poster! wait, it feels like my old karate certificate. a little smaller though. a small karate certificate. 

abby: surprise!

fading voices [ the SEQUEL to little talks ]Where stories live. Discover now