Chapter Two - Adams Song

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I couldn't wait till I got home, to pass the time in my room alone.

Adams Song - Blink 182


            Alice walked hesitantly into the cafeteria that day at lunch. Her eyes scanned the rows and rows of students for a familiar face, Adam. A girl in a black knee length dress with perfectly curled hair stood up and parted from the group of high class girls sitting around a small table circular table. She took a few strides towards Alice then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

            Adam. He jumped in front of her with a smile and his eyes bright. Alice smiled back to him because he seemed in a much better mood than yesterday morning. He had the sleeves of his "Waterparks" shirt pulled down over his hands. He stood a good 6" taller than Alice which made her have to look up some. She glanced back at the girl. She had retreated back to her table with a look of disgust. Adam followed her eyes, then he frowned deeply. When Alice turned back to him, she gave him a giant smile which made him give her at least a shy, sad smile.

            "If you don't want to-" Alice cut him off.

            "Where do you want to sit?" She took his hand and he stared down at their hands intertwined for a moment before smiling again and showing her to the table in the back corner. She set down her books and they started walking to the lunch line. The line moved slowly which annoyed Alice, but Adam didn't seem to care that much. While Adam was engrossed in a story about a concert that he had went too the week before hand, Alice started to notice all of the looks she was getting from around the room.

            "And then this guy-"

            "Hey, Adam?" Adam looked a little thrown off. He dropped his hands to his sides which he had just been gesturing vigorously with. Alice looked up to Adam as he began to play with his sleeves as he did when he was nervous.


            "Why do people keep... staring at us?" Adam timidly looked around the room. He sighed some and grabbed a tray, forgetting all about the rest of his story. Alice did the same.

            "People don't... Necessarily like me." He said the last part quietly and Alice almost didn't hear him. He picked up a hotdog bun then placed it on his tray. Alice grabbed one as well. Adam kept his head down the rest of the time in line, not even bothering to look at Alice. He walked swiftly back to their table and sat down. Alice slide into her seat and took a small bite of her cookie while Adam just stared at the table.

            "Adam?" He looked up to her for a moment then looked back down to the table and his tray.

            "They... just don't like me. They think I'm weird and... there have been some stories." He fiddled with the hem of his sleeve. Alice watched him intently. "I get it though, if you don't want to hang around me or anything." Alice shook her head at him and then smiled.

           "Why would I ever want to do anything that those assholes do?" Adam looked up with a shocked expression on his face, then he smiled towards her.

            "Yeah... you're right." They sat in silence for a little bit before Adam had the courage to speak up.

            "Come with me after school. I have somewhere I want to take you." She nodded some then he smiled. They both sat in silence for the remaining time in lunch.


            Alice walked out of the school building and looked around the courtyard area. Adam wasn't anywhere she could see, until she saw a guy standing beside of a silver car waving his hand at her. She smiled and started walking towards him. As she got closer she started to notice the gash on his upper eyebrow. The frame of his glasses almost hid it perfectly, but not quiet. He smiled over to her while she frowned a bit. His smiled wavered only for a moment before he pulled open the car door.

            "What's wrong?" Alice pointed to his forehead. He placed a hand over the spot. The brought his hand down to look at it. "What happened?" He shook his head some and motioned to the car.

            "I just hit it on my locker. You know I'm clumsy. Come on. Let's go." He climbed in and she walked around to the other side to get in. They talked about random things on the way to wherever they were going. Alice loved to get to know Adam. He had so many things in common with her, but their music taste wavered only a bit. Adam pulled into a fairly empty record shop. Alice smiled. He got out of the car and started walking towards the doors of the building. Alice followed behind him closely, when she got to the door he was holding it open for her. She walked in first and took a deep breath. Alice couldn't name the smell of the shop, but for a reason she didn't know, it reminded her of her father. She smiled at the distant memory.

            "Are you okay?" Adam dragged her from her thoughts. He gave her the same sleepy smile that he had had all day or at least when he was in a good mood. Granted, it had been only two days but she couldn't figure out why she liked his smile so much. He started wandering the isles looking for nothing in particular. Adam finally settled with picking up an old vinyl record of Green Day. While Alice had picked up a copy of Vessel by Twenty One Pilots. Adam took the CD out of her hands and walked up to the register. The woman smiled at them and Adam handed her a debit card before Alice could say anything.

            "Adam!" Alice jumped forward trying to grab the CD off of the counter but Adam grabbed it before she could get her fingers on it. He smirked at her and handed it back to the lady.

            "I was going to pay for that!" She gave him a pouty face for a moment then he poked her cheek.

            "Too bad. I have too much money anyways." The lady handed him a bag with the record and CD inside. He smiled at her then took back his debit card. He pushed Alice towards the outside of the store and she swatted him away. Once they got outside Adam sat down heavily in the driver's seat and handed her the CD.

            "Put it in the radio please." Alice slowly took it out of its paper then put it in the car radio. The song Ode to Sleep started softly playing through the speakers. Adam stared out the window for a moment. He watched some of the birds fly off into sky and then he sighed. Alice watched Adam. He looked so sad and broken while staring at something that was so free. He turned to Alice with a serious expression.

            "You asked me why people didn't like me." He drummed his finger on the steering wheel for a moment. As if he was trying to gather up the confidence to tell her.

            "It's cause-...I have no idea. I know why certain people don't like me though..." Alice frowned. "The only thing I can tell you is that... My father doesn't care. You've meet my aunt. She perky, she's happy. She's just like my mom." He put exaggeration into his words. "They don't like to be around me. I keep to myself. Maybe some of the people at school don't' like me because I have money, or that I'm too smart for them to understand. That's what my grandma used to tell me." Alice gave him a small smile.

            "It's okay though." He shook his head rapidly as if he were on the verge of tears.

            "No, people always say that. My therapist says that. I don't want you to be my therapist." Alice started turning the paper around in her hands. Adam coughed some then continued talking. "My dad owns one of the most successful companies in Seattle. It's a very successful law firm. Yet he can't give a SHIT about his son!" He slightly screamed the last part then put his hands in his hair. Alice sat silently in the passenger seat while the song changed over to Holding on To You. Adam closed his eyes for a moment then opened them again.

            "Alice, there are things I cannot tell you yet. Things that I want too, but I don't want your pity." Alice kept looking down at the paper in her hands. "Please, don't leave me though. I don't want to be alone. Not again." He looked over to her with tears in his eyes. She looked up slowly.

            Alice ran a hand through his messy hair and he laid his head down on her chest. His body was laying on the console of the car, but he didn't seem to care. Alice ran a hand through his hair as he softly cried. Alice's frown increased as he clung to her. The only happy sound in the car was Josh singing on the radio.

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